New Research Shows Your Home as the #1 Place Your Kids & Pets are Getting Cancer. Get Protected Now!

Check Out This Free Case-Study

Health Risks of EMF's (Electromagnetic Frequencies; AKA- WIFI)

  • Burning & Itching Skin + Eczema
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Headache/Migraine
  • Mood Swings
  • Feeling Numb/Empty
  • Memory Loss
  • Fainting, Collapsing
  • Heart Palpitations
  • Foggy Headed
  • Low Concentration
  • ADHD
  • Depression/Anxiety/Panic
  • Tired a lot/Fatigue
  • Numbness/Tingling
  • Restlessness
  • Heart Rate Disturbances
  • Digestive Issues
  • Stomach Upset
  • Tumors
  • Insomnia/Sleep Disturbance
  • Ringing in Ears
  • Irritability
  • Random Painful, Itchy Sensations

Why You Need EMF Protection

The health of your cells, now recognized to be critically important to your overall health, is also associated with electromagnetic fields. Narrow micro-currents (with approx. 60-70 micro-amps) flow through your body along organized paths and ensure your well-being. Any injury or illness – as well as EMF radiation – can disturb or interrupt this energy flow. “Non-health" is thus often caused by disturbances at the cellular level resulting in changed cellular electrical current. You do not “feel” or “see” these cellular disturbances, so it is normal to not recognize the consequences of them. However, you are an electromagnetic being, and constant exposure to unnatural electromagnetic radiation does change cellular behavior, and can therefore impact your health. Microwave radiation put out by WIFI towers, meters, antennas, and wireless/Bluetooth technologies, such as ear buds, apple watches, cell phones, iPads, and laptops, is cooking our cells. It keeps our body in a state of stress that does not support healing. Even if you take medication or supplements to support your health, doctors say that when exposed to this radiation, your body will not adsorb them, and they do you absolutely no good. This is why we must combat the radiation by harmonizing our bodies and homes.

Scientifically Proven Research, Showing Effects on the Body

Smart Phones Proven to Microwave your Brain

As cell phones put out the same radiation type as microwaves, they are literally microwaving our organs. Most importantly, our brain. When and Cell Phone or other WIFI device is pressed against a baby's ear, it's chance of radiation damaged brain cells, that could cause a learning disability or cancer, are greatly increased, because a baby's skull and other bones are not formed completely, yet. The skull is very soft, leaving them way more vulnerable to negative radiation symptoms/effects. The skull serves at least some protection from the device's radiation as a child grows. The picture to the left is a perfect example of how far into a baby/child/adult's brain, radiation will travel. The red areas show the part of the brain that is literally being microwaved by the cell phone radiation.

Live Blood Analysis Study

The images to the right are blood samples from a test subject magnified using a dark field microscope. The image on the left shows a sample taken before using a cell phone, and the red blood cells are spaced apart and moving freely in a healthy state. The middle image shows a sample taken after a 5 minute unprotected cell phone call, and the red blood cells are clumping and aggregating in an unhealthy state. The image on the right shows a sample taken after a 5 minute cell phone call using the EMF Harmonizer+, and the red blood cells are again moving freely in a healthy state. Click here to view the complete study.

Cress Sprouts Growth Test

This test provides a visual demonstration of the negative effects of EMF radiation on the growth of cress sprouts, and how the EMF Harmonizer+ minimized these negative effects. The test includes sprouts grown next to a WiFi router emitting measurable EMF radiation, and a control group of sprouts grown 8 feet away with no exposure to EMF radiation. On the left is a picture of the sprouts grown next to the router without EMF protection, and on the right are the sprouts grown with the Harmonizer+ on the router. Click here to view the complete study, including pictures of the sprouts under various growing conditions. Or click here to view the video overview.

Heart Rate Variability Study

The figure below shows measurements taken with a HeartQuest heart rate variability (HRV) device. On the left are baseline readings from a test subject, in the middle are results after a 5 minute unprotected cell phone call, and on the right are results after a 5 minute cell phone call with the EMF Harmonizer+ attached to the phone. The top figures show the test subject’s psycho-emotional state index, which dropped from the baseline 65% to 30% after the unprotected cell phone call, and increased to 70% after using the cell phone with the Harmonizer+ attached (better than baseline). The bottom figures show the subject’s brainwave measures for delta, theta, alpha, beta and gamma rhythms. Click here to view the complete study.

Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled WiFi Radiation Study

A third party research institute in Europe conducted a study on the Mobility+ EMF protection bracelet and its protective effects against WiFi radiation, as well as its general health supporting effects even without the presence of EMF radiation. This study uses the gold standard for such research - a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled methodology. The study is based on extensive statistical analyses of 5 health measurements taken on 15 test subjects in 5 different testing scenarios. The report concludes that the Mobility+ bracelet demonstrates protective health effects against WiFi radiation - and in addition it demonstrates positive health effects even without the presence of EMF radiation (in other words your health is supported by just wearing it, regardless of your EMF exposure).Click here to view the complete study.

Protecting Yourself, Your Family, & Pets is Crucial for Optimal Health

Protecting your family is now easy and affordable! Stop bouncing from doctor to doctor, trying to find out what's wrong, and why you feel terrible all the time. You must change your environment! EMF Harmony is company with proven revolutionary technology that will combat and reduce the amount of radiation your family has to endure at home and on the go. From stylish bracelets, to ear bud protection, to whole home, office, and car protection; you're sure to feel better soon.

For more information on how it all works, click here

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Research Shows WIFI, Cell Phones, Cell Towers/Antennas, Electricity, Bluetooth Devices, etc. to be Cancer-Causing. Here's Why we Must Use EMF Harmonizing Devices to Protect Ourselves, Our Family, & Our Pets

Since EMF's are everywhere, it's not realistic, at this time, to try to hide from them or combat them. We just can't do that yet. Even if you live in the country and you are not close to as many WIFI antennas and towers, you are still very much at risk of harmful cancer causing effects of EMF's because the electricity and cell phones try to get you a better signal by sending even stronger signals and microwaves. We must harmonize our bio-electrical system with our environment, and using the EMF Harmony Harmonizing Devices, like the pendant, bracelet, and stickers, is the best way to do that at this time. Studies even show that EMF's aside, these devices increase your health function overall, significantly. 

When we are exposed to EMF's, our body is in a state of Stress, causing the body to stop healing viruses, bacteria, radiations, and cancer cells, it usually fights off, daily. Doctors say that while in this state (which is all the time for most of us), any medications or supplements/vitamins are not effective and nearly useless to even take. If your body and brain are not in a receptive healing state, it's pointless to attempt any healing modality. Using these harmonizing devices, you bring your body back to a state of "flow", and optimal health and function; able to fight off any negative invaders, environments, and radiation.

Click here to more info on why EMF Harmony is the best deference for you, your family, and your pets.

If you or someone you know is pregnant, please share this information with them, as this effects them and their baby the most. Click here to find organic EMF blocking blankets to protect babies and hat to protect their brains.

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How EMF Protection Works


Energy in the Quantum Field

Through a combination of computation and testing, energetic information is developed that interacts with the energy / particles in the quantum field to create a desired effect in certain elements of matter in the surrounding environment (for example the energy of electromagnetic radiation or the energy of human cells).


Mastering the Materials

This energetic information is transmitted to and stored in the materials of which the EMF Harmony products are made. The materials are carefully chosen for their ability to hold the information, as not all substrates are appropriate for this purpose. The materials themselves do not influence the functional activity of the devices, however, they are simply carriers of the energetic information which creates the functional action.


Harmonize with Quantum Energy

Once the energetic information is stored in the materials, it emits vibrations at certain frequencies that cause resonance or dissonance with other quantum field energy in their environment. This interaction at the sub-atomic level in the quantum field is what ultimately creates the desired effects in the targeted matter, e.g. harmonization of the vibrational energy of EMF radiation or of physiological conditions in the human body through the bio-field.

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Check Out These Amazing Scientific Marvels that Protect Us From EMF's!

The following products are made by beautiful companies that support our mission to help empower people to find their own health in nature. We may receive a small energy exchange for letting you know about these companies and their products, if you make a purchase. Know that we will only ever promote companies and products that align with our mission of empowering you. Thank you for checking out this scientific work, and supporting our cause, so that we can focus on bringing you more info on healing yourself, physically, emotionally, energetically, and spiritually.

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The greatest single tragedy in one's health journey, is not what they think will work, and choose not to use; but rather the modality of healing they have not even considered."

Nurse Dre  Nurse, RTT Practitioner

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