Ready to lift the veil & Discover Your Soul's True Purpose

Join me as I guide you to the answers to all your life questions. We'll embark on a journey back to "Life Between Lives", were you'll find your Soul's true purpose for sending you here & how to fulfill your mission, during this special time, in our realm.

There comes a point in everyone's life, where they wonder what happens when we pass/die/ascend. We ask ourselves, if I died today, would I have completed my mission? Did I fulfill my purpose in life? What is my purpose here? Am I on the right path? Where will I be in 10 years? Who will I be with? Is something preventing me from fulfilling my purpose?

Fortunately, I can guide you on a very special journey to that time between physical lives, that we call, home.

Life Between Lives Experience

You've probably heard of past lives experiences or hypnotherapy. Recently Life between lives was discovered and published by Michael Newton, an Author who uses hypnotherapy to regress people to the time and place we experience between our physical lives. In this space, we join our soul family to heal, recover, coach/guide, and create our next life. 

Now, you can access this experience, as well, with Nurse Dre, during your current life on Earth. Find invaluable information about yourself, your past, future and why you came here. There is much more to us than we can imagine.

Finally Find Your Purpose on Earth

You came here with certain goals and ambitions in mind. Your soul wants to grow and learn, so it sends part of it's consciousness to physical lives to experience different perspectives, thus gaining empathy. Find out what you came to Earth for. Are you on a mission? Or simply here for the experience life in our realm brings.

Fulfill Your Purpose & find Contentment

For many people, it's easy to get caught up in the daily grind, ultimately reliving 'Groundhog Day' over and over. But for some, it's not an option. We know there is more to us than a life in a cubicle, and our soul becons us to find out what that is and fulfill it. When you know that you are dedicating your life's work to your mission, nothing can stop you. Happiness, success, abundance, and love our yours to keep. It wipes away depression & anxiety.

See the Big Picture

When you know the big picture, like why you are who you are, and why you have to go through certain challenges and traumas in your life, you are able to release grudges, forgive, & live a fearless life. The impossible becomes possible, because you know their is nothing stopping you from enjoying life, knowing every experience has a lesson that adds to our bigger picture; making us a better soul. You're able to bring past lives, your current life, and future lives together and make sense of it all.

Find Healing & Answers to Your Biggest Questions when Meeting Your Soul Group, Spirit Guide, & the Counsel.

Most people reach their spirit guide first, who will give you the answers to your biggest questions. Then you may reunite with your soul family, (those who usually reincarnate with us) and spend time in the healing pool to regenerate yourself (especially helpful if you have been battling dis-ease). Finally, you may decide to meet with the counsel. If you wish to change something or understand certain circumstances in your life, they have the power to grant your request.

Nurse Dre is excited to welcome you to the experience of a lifetime (or two)!

If you are ready to lift the veil and find out what life is like on the other side, or in between lifetimes, then the stars have aligned in your favor, darlin. After all, the universe is rigged in your favor. You don't want to miss this opportunity to meet your soul family, spirit guide(s), go to the healing pool, and even speak to the council if you need help with something. This experience is going to give you an eye-opening revelation about who you are and why you are here, at this special time, in our realm. I can't wait to show it to you! 

You get to choose if you would like a Past Life Regression, or the Life Between Lives Experience, so each appointment can be made for either of these. Each session lasts from 2-3 hours. The session will be held online, over a zoom call. You will receive an email with the zoom link.

Spots are selling fast, so get in today.


What they say

"Just talking to Nurse Dre puts me in a Trance.

Every new hypnosis in her Mind Over Medicine Monthly Newsletter, is mesmerizing, and I get amazing results every time. This goes beyond hypnosis, and into the great unknown."

Mae S. - Marketing Assistant

"I'm so glad I chose Nurse Dre

She was so easy to work with. She's professional, but empathetic. You won't find a bit of judgement from her. It's like talking to your best friend. I was really able to relax and open up. I think that made a huge difference. I was very depressed before I had my session, but now I understand why and I see the bigger picture. I'm fulfilling my life's purpose & have never been happier."

Jason M. - Foreman

"Dre is Magical!

...this is a whole new ballgame. It has changed every aspect of my life now. Nurse Dre has helped me with panic attacks, depression, & eczema! When I tried the 'Life Between Lives' session, it was truly a journey home. I cried the whole session because finally I found my true purpose in life, & I was reunited with my soul family and guides. It was the biggest transformational event in my life. I'm no longer addicted to food & cigarettes, and I have a heading for my mission here on Earth!

Why aren't people talking about how amazing hypnosis is?!"

Laney G. - Accountant

For more information on how it works, and Rapid Transformation Therapy,

click the link below

About Nurse Dre

Nurse Dre - Aundrea Wright, LPN, RTTP, CCHyp.

Nurse Dre is a RTT Practitioner, Clinical Hypnotherapist, and Nurse. She has dedicated her life to help people break out of societal programs, boundaries, & negative belief systems, to find their true purpose in life & find healing from dis-ease, through their natural body and the Earth.

Dre has 3 amazing kids and lives in "Between, Georgia" (USA), but serves beautiful souls from all around the world. When she became a single mom, she became free to be who she really is. And with nothing holding her back, she made a complete transformation in her life, and on her belief systems; by removing the negative societal systems that we are indoctrinated with. She used hypnosis to awaken her abilities to heal, naturally and see the world for what it truthfully is. She realized God is inside us, and that's where she began to seek solace and harmony. She then created Mind Over Medicine so she could share it with the world.

Nurse Dre is known for her empathetic passion to serve others, her amazing sense of humor, and making everyone she meets, feel special, heard, loved, and safe to open up and heal.

It’s an amazing time to be alive, so if something is bothering you, seek her help. It's not worth you allowing it to make you anxious, stressed, & depressed. Nurse Dre believes we have a responsibility to help people if we can. You have a super-power too! Find out what it is and unleash it on the world. We need it!

Georgia M. // Photographer, Entrepreneur

"This experience is on another level. I was terrified to start a photography business, but after speaking to my guides, I was transformed into a confident, creative person with all the motivation I needed to build a successful business, and I've never been more free! Thanks, again, Nurse Dre!"

Maragrita S. // Artist, Entrepreneur

"During my session, I was shown the truth about our world. People are changing. Everyone is angry and divided. But on the other side there is only peace and unconditional love that I crave to experience again, every day. This experience gave me the courage to break up with a narcissistic who cut me down daily and hated my art. Art is everything to me and its the closest feeling to harmony and peace, I can get while on this planet. I was given the confidence to jump all in to my art and now I am building a thriving business. I can't wait to do another session!"

Abby & Joey C. // Vloggers

"Words cannot express how thankful we are to have had this opportunity. 2 Doctors told us that we would never have children, due to an autoimmune disease. We had given up, until we came across the Life Between Lives Experience. During the session, I was able to bathe in the 'Healing Pool', and get nutritional advice from my Soul Family. I'm feeling so much better, and we are expecting our baby girl in January! Anyone on the fence, don't pass this up! You can thank me later."

Angelo J.// IT Engineer

"I'm a Christian and have always thought of meditation or hypnosis as a scary thing to mess with, but I have had so many burning questions about the afterlife. I kept coming across Nurse Dre on tiktok and after talking to her and learning that hypnosis is a natural brain state that we go in and out of all day, every day. I'm so glad I finally chose to do a session because now I know the truth of the afterlife. I've seen it with my own eyes. I would definitely do it again and I would tell other religious people to pray about it and give it a shot. Stop letting social barriers come between you and your relationship with God."

Ian D.  // Fashion Photographer

"I used to be petrified of death. I could barely leave my home during COVID, for the fear of getting sick and dying alone in some hospital bed. That all changed when I had a Near 'Death Experience' in a plane crash. Doctors pronounced me dead, and while I was 'dead', I was somewhere else, without a care in the world. I saw my soul family and they showed me how my life could be if I weren't scared. Then I woke up after 14 minutes of CPR. I made a full recovery, but had so many questions. So I went for the 'Life Between Lives Experience' to get those answers. I'm so glad I did, because now, I'm unstoppable!

Hanna E.// Legal Assistant

"I wasn't coming to find out who my soulmate is or find a man, but my soul family encouraged me to tell my best friend how I felt about him (he was also my crush, but I hadn't told anyone that)! So, I told him how I really feel, and thank God, he felt the same way! We got married 8 months later.

If you're looking for love & need to know you're with the right person and/or on the right path, you're in the right place."

Limit pain, stress & anxiety levels with Cell Command Therapy.

Nurse Dre Also Uses Command Cell Therapy!

Nurse Dre helps you process the information we uncover during the LBL session, so that you can move on from dis-ease, anxiety, burn out, frequent illness, anger, feeling lost, and more.

Skeptical? You should be. But...

*Click arrow to the right of question to see drop-down answers.*

If you are a skeptic of hypnosis, meditation, or relaxation exercises, you should know that it's normal. Especially if you grew up in North American school systems, where we were taught that anything other than pharmaceutical medications was against Christianity and was more or less- witchcraft. If you are interested in hearing the story of how that all started, it's quite an interesting conspiracy that involves John D. Rockefeller and his bank account.

Just know that in the beginning of pharmaceutical medicines, they were purposely made to mask the disease and the symptoms, but NOT cure it, so that you keep coming back for more. What followed was the ousting of naturopathic doctors, and indoctrination of the North American Education system. Nurse Dre is an actual Nurse of over a decade and has witnessed it, first hand. You can hear the full story on Nurse Dre's YouTube Channel here

In this list, you'll find answers to a few questions some people have about hypnosis, and other relaxation and natural remedies. We encourage you to question everything. So open your mind, open your heart and investigate on your own, so that you can make the best decision for you and your family.

"The greatest personal limitation is not to be found in the things you want to do, and can't; but in the things you never considered trying."  --Unknown--

Is this witchcraft or spells?

No! Dre is not a witch. And hypnosis is not magic, it's science.

Hypnosis is a (scientifically proven) natural process our mind/brain goes in and out of several times, daily. Naturally! When you watch a movie- you're in hypnosis. When you are in deep thought during your car-ride home from work, and can't remember driving a few miles and think you were on auto-pilot- you were in hypnosis. When you watch tiktok or online videos or scroll through facebook, you are in hypnosis. 

Advertisers of major brands know this, and use it to their advantage to make you a spending consumer, craving their products. When all along, you just thought it was your decision. That's a hard pill to swallow. But when you realize how powerful your mind is, you will find that using hypnosis to your advantage, gives you power back of your mind.

Is hypnosis/meditation against my religion?

This is hard to answer, only because there are so many religions in the world. But, hypnosis & meditation are just relaxation. If it were named "Guided Relaxation Exercises", everyone would stop worrying if it is woo-woo or not in alignment with them. 

In the early 20th century, medical/pharmaceutical indoctrination began in American & Canadian schools, churches, and colleges. Long story short - Oil & Railroad Tycoon/Millionare, John D. Rockefeller, In 1907, discovered scientists were makeing vitamins and medicines with oil. Since John D. Rockefeller was an oil Investor, he decided to invest in this process. What followed, was complete conspiracy to make the American and Canadian Public believe that Pharmaceuticals (Pills) were the only way to a cure for anything, and homeopathic medicines were a waste of time and money. Not only that, he had medical schools only teaching pharmaceuticals. Any homeopathic remedy schools and homeopathic (Natural) Doctors were shut down and called "Quacks". He also had an Educator named Abraham Flexner investigate and publish a huge report on this subject, ultimately changing healthcare for generations to come. And to this day, Americans and Canadians mostly use pharmaceuticals/pills to maintain health and diseases. We rely on it. We have forgotten about homeopathic remedies and cures. All for the sake of one man's bank account. This is the same time we began considering natural practices, like relaxation/hypnosis to be associated with witchcraft, even though witches do not normally practice hypnosis. 

Ultimately it's up to you and whatever your heart leads you to. Follow it, and you'll never go wrong. Hypnosis is just like prayer and meditation. It's a natural process our brains enter and exit all throughout our day. Advertisers are taking advantage of these facts, and don't want you to know that you have the ability to heal your body inside, just as your body heals cuts, on the outside of your body. It's a matter of state of mind. This is a natural remedy God provided us in our miraculous brain. Use it to your advantage.

Are you going to make me do something crazy, like bark at people?

NO! During hypnosis, you become more and more in control of yourself. Nurse Dre is all about self empowerment and connection. She would never guide you to do something you don't want to do, and even if someone did, you would never do anything you morally disagree with, in hypnosis. Hypnosis actually gives you back the power of your mind.

Plus, Nurse Dre would never intentionally break the bond  between she and her clients. She believes "it takes a village to raise a child, and a world to raise an adult." Trust and connection to her tribe is most valuable to her.

Are there side effects of Hypnosis/Meditation?

There aren't documented physical or mental side effects caused by hypnosis.

However, Nurse Dre sometimes uses brainwave entrainment in her hypnosis sessions and recordings. This can include binaural beats, isochronic tones, and/or solfeggio frequencies. This music aides in the relaxation process and can contribute to incredible transformations. Children under 12 are advised to not use this kind of music, as their brains are still developing. It is unknown if the development of their brain would be affected by this music, so we say, err on the side of caution.

Most Hypnotherapists warn that people with epilepsy or seizure disorders not undergo hypnosis, due to the sudden changes that can occur in these individuals brains. However, Nurse Dre is open to using Command Cell Therapy on these individuals specifically for the purpose of easing symptoms associated with these issues. Command Cell Therapy is less hypnosis and more relaxation, repetition and reset.

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Fully Protected by Our 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee.

If, for any reason, you don't find value in these sessions/recordings, simply let us know anytime within 30 days after your purchase. If you have any issues, please us at , and we will resolve your issue, as soon as possible.

Mind Over Medicine & Nurse Dre have values set high for customer service and transformation. It is our mission to encourage, motivate, coach, and empower each person we meet. If you need us, we're here.

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*Note* If you miss your appointment, no refund will be given, however, you can reschedule anytime. Mind Over Medicine does not grant refund requests due to the nature of the super power she is sharing with you. Intellectual Property cannot be revoked. Any questions should be emailed to . For more info, please visit .

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