Find Your Personal Victory Over Issues That Hold You Back.

Nurse Dre, Licensed RTT Practitioner- " Working For Rapid Positive Change "

Rapid Transformation Therapy ( RTT ) is a Revolutionary Stand-Alone-Therapy that is creating Rapid, Life Changing Transformations for People All Over The Globe. It can help you, too.

What we do

Recapture Your Destiny. Take Back Control Of Your Future.

Where do you see yourself in a year from now? How about 5 years, or 10?

If that scares the hell out of you, don't worry, you're in the right place.

Video Below: What is Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) ?

Group Coaching Subscription

Each month enjoy free stuff ! Including :

New Hypnosis Recording/mo

Free eBooks by Nurse Dre

Coaching Webinars

Exclusive Interviews & Deals

Plus Much More!

Pre-recorded Hypnosis Tracks

Grab a hypnosis track that is tailored to your needs, currently. They are recorded by Nurse Dre and the music is mastered to mix binaural beats, isochronic tones, & solfeggio frequencies, into a beautiful sound that will whisk your brain into the perfect position to be more effective! Buy as gifts, or buy in bundles, as well. You can listen to these recordings anywhere, anytime, & get amazing results.

1:1 Hypnotherapy Session

Find the root cause of your suffering/issue. If you don't clear this problem, your issue will return. This is the best move you can make to move on with your life, peacefully & healthy. Learn more below and watch the video above to learn about Rapid Transformational Therapy (Hypnotherapy).

Tailored products upon request

Relationship & Sex

Nurse Dre specializes in helping people build strong relationships, with good communication & treatment. A good foundation is key in a relationship, and never too late to build! Nurse Dre can hypnotize either of you for any problem you both agree on. 

She is also great at helping men with Erectile Dysfunction, & women with orgasm issues. Please don't let this put a damper on your relationship. It's totally normal and can be fixed, discreetly. Please contact Nurse Dre, via email, or schedule an appointment right away, by clicking here.

Finding Purpose With
Life Between Lives Hypnosis

Nurse Dre's favorite! Finding purpose to our lives is actually a hierarchical, primordial question. It's humans' nature to have to know why we are here! So you are not alone!

Here's why Hypnotherapy is the best way to answer that question. In the late 20th century, Dr. Michael Newton and Dolores Cannon, were both using hypnotherapy with their clients to regress into past lifetimes. But something amazing happened with each therapist, completely separate of each other. They stumbled into the spirit world. Well, really, it's just another dimension, but they both found out that we can actually see into our lives between lives.

A big question is "where do we go when we die?" Many religious people believe they know the answer, but Newton and Cannon, both showed us, with thousands of clients, that their is life after death and in between lives! In fact, people who journey there through Life Between Lives Hypnosis, say that "it's home".

 Nurse Dre now joins Newton and Cannon to pioneer the way to finding purpose through hypnotic journeys. While there, you get to meet your spirit guides, soul family, and if you like, you can speak to the board (the beings that run it all). You'll find great insight when speaking to your guides and loved ones who have crossed over. They help us remember the point of our existence on Earth, in this, and many other lifetimes.

Bring great meaning to your life by finding your life purpose in Life Between Lives Hypnosis, with Nurse Dre. You'll want to keep coming back for more.

Weight Loss

We offer many different ways to lose weight. The best being our Hack your weight course that is online and includes instructional videos, audios, worksheets, exercises (brain), journaling, & an entire 2 hour Hypnotherapy session with Nurse Dre, to be sure you reach your weight loss goals, quickly, & permanently.

Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Sleep Hypnosis

Many of us are struggling with these or other mental health issues, in our crazy modern world. Using hypnosis to rid yourself of depression or panic attacks is one of Nurse Dre's favorite things to do, because she used to suffer from mental health issues, as well. We all do. But there is no reason you should be living in fear, sadness, or anxiousness. Come see Dre, & she would be honored to help lead you to a happier future. Don't wait. 

If you don't see your issue or interest, just ask ! Hypnotherapy works for a lot of different issues and interests. So don't be shy !

Hypnotherapy & Rapid Transformational Therapy

What is Hypnotherapy & RTT?

The #1 Question: Is Hypnosis real? And if so, does it work?

According to Michael Ericson, a Pioneer in Hypnosis, we achieve a trance-like state every single day without even realizing it.

The process of hypnosis is basically slowing down the speed of your brain activity and decreasing the amount of information you are processing, so that you can go down to a deeper level and function, on a lower frequency, allowing you to access higher states of yourself. Higher states, meaning, giving yourself access to more information about who you truly are and how that connects to everyone around you and the universe.

Lowering the speed of your brain activity is like putting up a screen so that your brain is only processing important information, that you ask it to. It is then able to filter out unimportant information, like what you are having for dinner, and where is your son, etc.

Your brain operates at different frequencies meaning every time one of your brain cells transfers information to another brain cell, it's at a certain speed, allowing you to receive information faster or slower.

When you lower this speed level, you’re able to screen out more of the information coming into your brain, which would be outside processes like someone outside mowing the lawn and ‘are you comfortable?’ You're also trying to figure out if you know what's for dinner tonight. All of these outside presences and random thoughts are not going to be running through your brain constantly.

We are going to screen those out by allowing you to slow things down, so that you can focus on and understand the important things about yourself and about your purpose. About the journey your soul intended you to take to learn specific lessons or get stronger emotionally.

The most important information that comes out, in hypnosis sessions, is root causes. If your subconscious mind, or soul, knows you have experienced something (we would deem traumatic), and have not fully processed it and learned or grown from it, it will begin to manifest in the body.

Historically, and Scientifically, we have found that both chronic and acute pain or dis-ease can be caused by traumatic experiences that we have not fully acknowledged. During hypnosis, we uncover these events, or root causes, and heal the body by acknowledging the lesson to be learned.

Through the scientific studies that have been done on hypnosis and the brain, we know that there are several different levels. And we flow through different levels naturally throughout our day and night, depending on the amount of brain activity, needed for the situations we are in.

If you are painting a picture your mind needs to be focused on that painting and creativity. Therefore, your brain level will slow down a bit so that you can focus and be creative to make your picture. If you are meditating, you want to go to an even deeper level, so that you can go inside yourself and really handle what you're going through and process these things so you can move on through life.

Doing this greatly reduces your stress level because the more that you're in these lower levels of brain activity the less stress can affect you. And the less dis-ease develops.

We know this by using EEG machines, Electroencephalograms. We can hook wires up to our head (scalp) and we can consciously make ourselves change our brain level through hypnosis. Or just by falling asleep.

Gamma- Awake 38-42Hz 

The first level that we are usually performing at, is known as Gamma. In Gamma, our brains are allowing us to take in as much information as possible so that we can function, understand, and react to the world around us. This is the highest level and allows the brain to operate at a rate of 38-42Hz.

Gamma waves are the fastest of all brain waves. It can be observed in people who’re deeply focused in their work, research, or solving problems. It can be seen in people who’re in universal love and altruism. These waves can oscillate, (fluctuate) to up to 100Hz.

Beta (13-30Hz) waves:

The next level of Brain activity, lower than Gamma, is Beta. We are in Beta level during our normal everyday functions. Reading for pleasure, taking a walk, driving, brushing our teeth, etc. You’re not necessarily very focused on anything in particular, but are using your awake, conscious mind. Beta Brain waves operate between 13-30Hz.

Alpha (8-12Hz) waves:

Alpha level of Brain Activity is the first level of bringing ourselves into a calmer and more inner being state of mind. It’s the beginning of relaxation. Creativity is heightened, in Alpha, and learning is optimal in this state, because the mind is not focused on so many things at once, making Alpha level the perfect state of mind for remembering anything.

So, imagine that you are back in high school, and have just sat down for the second class of the day, in the very back of the room, with 30 other students in the room, in front of you. You get out your paper and pencil and you are ready for a class to begin. In this state of mind your brain is acting in Beta.

The class starts and you try to concentrate on the teacher but so much is going on in front of you that you can't really focus in on what the teacher is saying. You notice several other students are digging through their bag, a couple are on their phone, someone is trying to sharpen a pencil, and maybe someone comes into the room late.

During this time, you are unable to focus on the teacher because your brain is too aware of the activities around you and has not settled into ‘class-mode’ or yet, which would be Alpha.

But, after a few minutes, of people becoming still, and the teacher speaking, your brain will automatically settle down to Alpha, and you will be able to create, remember, and interact with the teacher because you understand his words and are actually listening, now.

This is how fast and how subtle the change in brain waves can occur. You won’t notice until you have slipped into Theta and are fighting sleep because you are so bored.

Theta (4-7Hz) waves:

Theta operates at 7-7Hz. This is a deep state of relaxation. This level is what you aim to achieve during hypnosis and meditation. You are still aware of your surroundings, but are more focused on your inner self, with a heightened awareness of who you are and how that relates to the world and universe.

In Theta, we can use Hypnosis to allow your soul to guide you, more so than your ‘awake/conscious’ mind. We also call it the subconscious state of awareness.

Theta gives us access to information about you, that is beyond your conscious knowledge/awareness. It bypasses the conscious mind, that thinks hypnosis will not work, and allows us to speak to your subconscious mind, that knows everything about you.

For example, why your left leg hurts, and how to heal it. Or why you cannot stop smoking, and how to stop, immediately.

Once you have achieved Theta level, anything is possible. This is the area that your brain/mind is open to suggestions, healing, and ultimately transformation. That’s why we love to use this level in hypnosis.

It is important to note that, just as you do when you are living your life, daily, you will flow naturally between each Brain Activity level during hypnosis, meditation, or any relaxation exercise.

Delta (0.5-3Hz):

The Delta State is the lowest speed that your brain can operate, (that Scientist currently know of). Operating at only 0.5-3Hz, you are no longer aware of your surroundings. You enter the unconscious state of mind. This is when your body can, and does, truly heal itself, even without suggestions to.

Not many Hypnotherapists aim to work in the Delta State, as most people just go to sleep, which is not the desired state, contrary to popular belief. However, when we use Life Between Lives Hypnotherapy, we try to get as close to Delta as possible. Also, using daily hypnotherapy recordings, for 21-30 days, each night as you fall asleep (entering Delta), will help your mind accept the positive suggestions and changes you give it, in the recording.

As we covered, each state is just a level of consciousness or of being aware of either your inner self, or your outer surroundings. Beta, Alpha, Theta & Delta are the main states of consciousness, or speed of brain activity. During each stage, different transformations can be achieved with focus and positive intentions, through the suggestions you choose to apply to your life.

We use Hypnosis in therapy, which we call Hypnotherapy. This means Nurse Dre will guide you through each stage, and when the root cause of pain or negative actions arise, she can help you process it, and ultimately heal from it. We can use it for just about anything that is bothering you.

Nurse Dre uses several modes of therapy and hypnosis, but most commonly uses Rapid Transformation Therapy (RTT). Created by Britain’s best therapist, Marisa Peer, the method focuses on healing root causes and past traumas so that you can move on with your life quickly.

Marisa Peer ~ Britain's Top Therapist

Marisa Peer ~ Creator of RTT

Gone are the days of going to a therapist for decades and never really accomplishing much healing. Nurse Dre is usually able to help you heal or accomplish your goal in 1-3 sessions. Each session lasts about 1.5-2 hours and is tailored to you and your needs.

Nurse Dre also uses Regression Therapy Hypnosis, where she takes you to your past in this life, in other past lives, and in the mysterious ‘Life Between Lives’. Negative blocks and energies can follow you through lifetimes and have negative effects on your current life. Regression Hypnotherapy focuses on processing and healing all of it, so that you can live the life you’ve always wanted, free from trauma and pain.

If you are interested in booking a session with Nurse Dre, or need more information, please book a free strategy call with Nurse Dre by emailing her at . We will talk about your needs and build a strategy for you and your session. Click the link below to schedule a session.

Schedule a session with Nurse Dre

Normal Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy (RTT) that include anxiety, depression, weight, and other healing needs, are $250. Find your personal Life Transformational Victory by scheduling your session, today. Click the button below.

Life Between Lives Hypnosis

Find true meaning in your life by finding your true purpose. Travel into the realm we exist in, while in between lifetimes, and meet your spirit guides and soul family. See the bigger picture of your soul's purpose for your lifetimes


Past life regression Hypnotherapy

Past life regression Hypnotherapy

Past life regression Hypnotherapy

Find out who you were in past lives & how the affect your life, today. Find healing throughout lifetimes and karma


Hack Your Weight with hypnosis by Nurse Dre

Full Online Course that makes losing weight natural and effortless; even in your sleep. It includes several modules to help you understand the different aspects that must work together so that you can achieve effortless, permanent weight loss. Plus you receive a 1 on 1 hypnotherapy session (worth $750) to find the root cause of your weight retention. For early enrollment, save over $1,000. Enroll now.

$997 or $333/mo

Rapid Transformational Therapy®️ (RTT®️) is endorsed by: General Hypnotherapy Register (GHR) International Association of Counselors and Therapists (IACT) International Institute for Complementary Therapists (IICT) International Hypnosis Federation (IHF) Accredited Counselors, Coaches, Psychotherapists and Hypnotherapists (ACCPH) Australian Society of Clinical Hypnotherapists (ASCH) – RTT® Live In-Person only, New Zealand Association of Professional Hypnotherapists (NZAPH), International Coaches Register (ICR), International Hypnosis Association (IHA), Dutch Association of Hypnotherapists (Nederlandse Beroepsvereniging van Hypnotherapeuten)

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