Mind Over Medicine

I help people just like you, who are burned out, depressed, & ready to EXIT THE MATRIX by finding peace & fulfillment in discovering your true Purpose in Life with Coaching & Hypnotherapy.

Then I show you how to monetize it so you can experience true fulfillment, for the rest of your life.

I would be honored to guide you through this journey, as your friend and confidant.

The Impossible Becomes Possible !

If I Could Wave a Magic Wand & Give You Anything, What Would You Wish for?

It's Possible !

Release the Anxiety, Fear, Depression, & Burnout by Aligning Yourself & Finding Your True Purpose on Earth, with Hypnotherapy.

Enter your next phase of life with clarity and purpose, knowing each step you need to take to achieve your dream life. Gain understanding and confidence that you are on the right path, according to your mission in this life.

Feel Amazing

-Look and feel amazing, as you are guided through a detoxification of environmental, chemical, food, products, and radiation toxins. 

-Gain the knowledge of insider secrets on detoxifying your world, and courage to stick to it.

Life Between Lives Experience

During this hypnotherapy session, you will gain clarity on all aspects of your life in the here and now. Plus get the knowledge of who you are as a soul, so that you can see the bigger picture of your life. This is a 2-4 hour session because we cover A LOT. 

You will be guided through deep relaxation sessions that will allow you to speak to your super-conscious and reveal your chosen path. The one you chose before you came to Earth. This will also give you a new-found rejuvenation and confidence, knowing that you are on the right path.

-Discover who you are as a whole soul. Your Higher Self has all the answers you seek. Ask anything and get clarity on your life and your soul's purpose for this lifetime.

-Meet your Spirit Guides, Guardian Angels, & Passed  Loved Ones. They can help you get back on track and understand your journey better. If you simply want to know who is guiding you on your journey, meet them here.

-Meet with the Elders, Galactic Federation, and more. If you want to change something in your life, you can do that by consulting with the Elders.

-Re-energize in the Healing Pool. This is one of the most amazing feelings. Just being here on Earth is so draining. Refill your cup with a relaxing soak in the healing pool, surrounded my healers and crystals.

-When you are done, we will put together a blueprint of your upcoming actions that need to be taken to get you where you need to be, so that you can fulfill your mission, here on Earth.

To schedule a "Life Between Lives Experience" with Nurse Dre, please click here to see my schedule.

Find Clarity & Fulfill Your Purpose

-It's not easy to be stress and anxiety free when you have no idea where your life is headed, and why. When we get stuck and burnt out, it's not just a career crisis. It's a Purpose Crisis. At one point, you knew your purpose, but now, you may have fulfilled it and you have grown as a person since the beginning of that chapter. But that may not be what we need anymore. It's okay to have 2 or more purposes in our lives.

-When we realize this, it can send us into a tailspin fast! But you feel a burning desire in you to make a big change, and fast.

-When we don't have clarity on our potential to shift into our new purpose, we are hindered and trapped in that same job and no way out. This leads to some pretty low thoughts and feelings, that trickle over into our love and family life.

-Gain mental clarity on what you want for the next chapter in your life. This will release a huge weight off of your shoulders.

If this resonates with you, Nurse Dre would recommend you try a 'Life Between Lives Experience' or a 'Rapid Transformational Therapy' Session. Book a coaching session first at the link below.

 Click here to book a session or call.

Coaching Session

It's not enough to know your purpose and your 'why's'. You must take action. We will put together a roadmap of your next moves so that you can clearly see your future and change anything that does not align with your true purpose.

Once you know your true passion in life, in order to align with your purpose and exit the matrix, you must monetize your passion. Get clarity on how exactly you can do this, so that you can "do what you love and call it work." Never work another day of your life.

Book a coaching session with Nurse Dre at the link below.

Click Here to book a coaching session.


"They say, 'love what you do and you'll never work a day in your life.' I say, "EXIT THE MATRIX with your passion and purpose, and you'll never be depressed a day in your life." 

Aundrea Wright ~ Nurse Dre~ RTT Practitioner




a vertical row of seven rainbow coloured energy chakras against a circle of white and pink stars and sparkles

About Nurse Dre

Aundrea Wright, or Nurse Dre, is a Licensed RTT Practitioner, a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, and a Licensed Nurse. She is a single mom trying to figure out this thing we call life. And now, she's helping others navigate it, too, through Hypnosis, Coaching, and Online Courses. Dre also uses hypnosis tracks with beautiful meditation music that can send you to the stars, with their mastered binaural beats, isochronic tones, & solfeggio frequencies. Each music track is specifically designed to help heal different things, give you energy, help you focus, release pain, and so much more. Check out more info on this kind of music, here

Speaking of energy, Dre loves to connect to people and nature through the world of positive energy and meditation. She believes that the beautiful energy of the Universe has literally rigged the game of life in your favor. She believes there are NO coincidences and that we only find the people (healers, friends, coaches, etc.) we need, at the exact moment we need them the most. And, she believes that each one of us have a set plan and agreements with our Soul Family before we come to Earth.

This belief in "interlaced pre-planning" has helped her tremendously in the fields of forgiveness (of herself & others), patience, & acceptance with her traumatic childhood, and it has brought her out of victim mode and into VICTOR mode.

See more about these ideals in her blog by clicking here. And never miss a post, by signing up for her "Flight of the Phoenix" Newsletter, by clicking here.

Nurse Dre has guided many people, just like you, to achieving goals, true healing, & finding new meaning to life by fulfilling their purpose. She would be honored to help you as well. Her goal is to empower you to lead yourself through this journey and find your true passion in life. Schedule a coaching call by clicking the link below.

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Mind Over Medicine, LLC Copyright 2021
