Mind Over Medicine

I help people just like you, who are burned out, depressed, & ready to EXIT THE MATRIX by finding peace & fulfillment in discovering your true Purpose in Life with Coaching & Hypnotherapy.

Then I show you how to monetize it so you can experience true fulfillment, for the rest of your life.

I would be honored to guide you through this journey, as your friend and confidant.

Find all Services Provided by Nurse Dre & Mind Over Medicine, Below. Choose the Program that is Right for You, & Schedule a Free Call with Nurse Dre to Discuss your Future.

If you have already purchased a Hypnosis Track or Hypnotherapy/Coaching Session, click the respective button bellow, for fast access. Check your email for passwords.

Click "Download Now" to get access to your Hypnosis Recordings

Click "Schedule Call" to schedule your session with Nurse Dre

The Impossible Becomes Possible !

If I Could Wave a Magic Wand & Give You Anything, What Would You Wish for?

It's Possible !

Release the Anxiety, Fear, Depression, & Burnout by Aligning Yourself & Finding Your True Purpose on Earth, with Hypnotherapy.

Enter your next phase of life with clarity and purpose, knowing each step you need to take to achieve your dream life. Gain understanding and confidence that you are on the right path, according to your mission in this life.

Feel Amazing

-Look and feel amazing, as you are guided through a detoxification of environmental, chemical, food, products, and radiation toxins. 

-Gain the knowledge of insider secrets on detoxifying your world, and courage to stick to it.

Lose Weight by Activating Your Brain

-"You can diet & exercise until you're blue in the face, but if your brain is not on board with your weight loss, Its like driving a ship, without the captain. You'll crash and burn, every time." ~Nurse Dre

-Many Weight Loss programs make big promises they cannot guarantee because they don't include the first thing needed to start weight loss that lasts permanently.

-We activate your brain to get into weight loss mode so that your body will begin to relax, reset, re-activate, & release the excess weight.

Find Clarity & Peace

-It's not easy to be stress and anxiety free when you have no idea where your life is headed, and why. When we get stuck and burnt out, it's not just a career crisis. It's a Purpose Crisis. At one point, you knew your purpose, but now, you may have fulfilled it and you have grown as a person since the beginning of that chapter. But that may not be what we need anymore. It's okay to have 2 or more purposes in our lives.

-When we realize this, it can send us into a tailspin fast! But you feel a burning desire in you to make a big change, and fast.

-When we don't have clarity on our potential to shift into our new purpose, we are hindered and trapped in that same job and no way out. This leads to some pretty low thoughts and feelings, that trickle over into our love and family life.

-Gain mental clarity on what you want for the next chapter in your life. This will release a huge weight off of your shoulders.

If this resonates with you, Nurse Dre would recommend you try a 'Life Between Lives Experience'. This is where we can guide you, through deep relaxation, to your past lives, and/or into the life we live in between physical lives, or what we like to call "home". Click here to book a session or call.

Fulfill Your Purpose

-It's not enough to know your purpose and your 'why's'. You must take action. 

You will be guided through deep relaxation sessions that will allow you to speak to your super-conscious and reveal your chosen path. The one you chose before you came to Earth. 

-This will also give you a new-found rejuvenation and confidence, knowing that you are on the right path.

-Then we will put together a blueprint of your upcoming actions that need to be taken to get you where you need to be, so that you can fulfill your mission, here on Earth.

To schedule a "Life Between Lives Experience" with Nurse Dre, please click here to see my schedule.


"You can diet & exercise until you're blue in the face, but if your brain is not on board with your weight loss, It's like driving a ship, without the captain... You'll crash and burn, every time."

Aundrea Wright ~ Nurse Dre~ RTT Practitioner


Find Peace in the Chaos & Truth in the Storm

Find new Healing & Weight Loss Modalities. With the current healthcare, weight loss, pharmaceutical, insurance & nutrition systems failing us, daily, many doctors & nurses are breaking free of that system, just like Nurse Dre did, to give people true ways to heal. Every day, more and more patients are gravitating toward alternative or holistic healing. As our planet evolves, so shall we. Some of these modalities include:

  • Alignment- body mind spirit/soul- What does that mean to you? Learn how you can align yourself so that true healing and optimal health can occur permanently.
  • Energy & Magnetic Fields- You have energy running your body. Plus, you have a magnetic field around you, that connects you with others and your environment, (the Earth). These are bombarded with intrusions, daily. So we will show you how to avoid it and achieve more balance and flow.
  • Iridology & Muscle Testing- Iridology is the study of the eyes (the iris of your eye), to predict certain imbalances or issues your body is handling. Muscle testing is really quite amazing and give you another super-power. It can show you how to find out if you are allergic or unable to eat or even handle certain foods, water, minerals, medicine, people, etc. This very valuable information. Gone are the days of allergy testing with dozens of needles to the back!
  • Nurse Dre's Fav! Binaural Beats, Solfeggio Frequencies, & Isochronic Tones. These music types are the original music used by God & the ancients who created music. However they have been lost in time. Which is a great sorrow, because of all the benefits they bring humans and the Earth! They each have different frequencies, htz, and levels that bring us healing and can change our emotions in a heartbeat. Nurse Dre uses these musical miracles in her hypnosis tracks and sessions, for better results. This is one of the main beauties that shows the level of dedication to your transformation, that Dre has, which sets her out, from other hypnotherapy practitioners. For more info, Binaural Beats, Solfeggio Frequencies.


Photo by Ferdinand Studio: https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-wearing-yellow-dress-1104035/

a vertical row of seven rainbow coloured energy chakras against a circle of white and pink stars and sparkles

About Nurse Dre

Aundrea Wright, or Nurse Dre, is a Licensed RTT Practitioner, a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, and a Licensed Nurse. She is a singel mom trying to figure out this thing we call life. And now, she's helping others navigate it, too, through Hypnosis, Coaching, and Online Courses. She has a YouTube Channel that provides free Hypnosis Sessions to those in need of small transformations that do not require a lot of energy. Plus her 'Mind Over Medicine' YouTube Channel is full of beautiful meditation music that can send you to the stars, with their mastered binaural beats, isochronic tones, & solfeggio frequencies. Each music track is specifically designed to help heal different things, give you energy, help you focus, release pain, and so much more. Check out more info on this kind of music, brought to us in ancient times, here.

Speaking of energy, Dre loves to connect to people and nature through the world of positive energy and meditation. She believes that the beautiful energy of the Universe has literally rigged the game of life in your favor. She believes there are NO coincidences and that we only find the people (healers, friends, coaches, etc.) we need, at the exact moment we need them the most. And, she believes that each one of us have a set plan and agreements with our Soul Family before we come to Earth.

This belief in interlaced pre-planning has helped her tremendously in the fields of forgiveness (of herself & others), patience, & acceptance with her traumatic childhood. It has brought her out of victim mode and into VICTOR mode.

See more about these ideals in her blog by clicking here. And never miss a post, by signing up for her "Flight of the Phoenix" Newsletter, by clicking here.

Nurse Dre has guided many people, just like you, to achieving goals, true healing, & finding new meaning to life by fulfilling their purpose. She would be honored to help you as well. Schedule a free strategy/coaching call by clicking the link below.

Join the easiest, permanent weight loss revolution. Make it your last weight loss product ! Hack your Weight with Hypnosis was made for people like us, who want to be healthy, but we're just not that girl that craves salads and exercise. This program is revolutionizing weight loss everywhere!

Choose the Best Product for You

Lap Band Surgery Hypnosis Online

Hack Your Weight

Lap Band Surgery Hypnosis

  • Gastric Band Hypnosis recording will convince your mind that you have actually had the surgery, even though you didn't. It helps the body act according to the belief that your stomach is now half the size it used to be.
  • Forget the risk & cost of surgery. Achieve natural permanent weight loss today, with hypnosis.
  • Weight Loss- Healthy Lifestyle, Healthy Gut Hypnosis track to Jump Start your body's natural weight loss functioning.
Coaching Course

Hack Your Weight Jump Start

  • Hypnotherapy Session 1:1 Online with Nurse Dre- find the root cause of your weight gain or other issue, & overcome it, so you can move on:
  • Customized Hypnosis Track to keep
  • Healthy Gut - Healthy Lifestyle Hypnosis Track to make weight loss natural, and fall off while you sleep
  • Cravings, Binge Eating, Thyroid, Diabetes healing & prevention are focused on in this Hypnosis Track, & the course
  • Weekly Group Coaching on Webinar
  • Exclusive Facebook Community Access to people just like you.
  • Accountability Tracking
  • Bonuses! Including Nurse Dre's Pre-Published eBooks on Living Your Purpose & Finding Your 'Why' to Transform Your Life. + 30 Day Fre Subscription to Mind Over Medicine Subscription- get exclusive interviews with practitioners & guests that are blazing the trail ahead for holistic healing. + Access to new hypnosis tracks each week.
RTT or LBL Hypnotherapy Session
1:1 With Nurse Dre

Rapid Transformation Therapy- Hypnotherapy

  • Go deep and find the root cause of your weight struggles in a Rapid Transformation Therapy Session (1-2 hr). This is the best way to get permanent results.

Life Between Lives Regression Therapy

  • See the bigger picture! If you've ever wondered what your purpose is on this Earth, and wanted to see what life is like between lives, and meet your soul family and guides, this session is perfect for you. Life Between Lives hypnotherapy Session (Between 2-4 hr. in-depth session) enlightens your perspective of why we come here and what your soul's goal and life lesson was before you came. 

Past Life Regression Hypnotherapy

See the bigger picture! If you've ever wondered what your purpose is on this Earth, and wanted to see what other lives you've had, and meet your guides, this session is perfect for you. Past Life Regression Hypnotherapy Session (Between 1.5-3 hr. in-depth session) enlightens your perspective of why we come here and what your soul's goal and life lesson was before you came. 

Schedule A Free 30 Minute Session With Nurse Dre To talk About Your Future, Below.

Learn how to us Hypnosis & other intriguing, & effective, techniques to improve your life, in our weekly Newsletter!

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Mind Over Medicine, LLC Copyright 2021
