About Nurse Dre

Aundrea Wright, better known as Nurse Dre, is a certified hypnotherapist, licensed rapid transformation therapy practitioner, and a nurse of 10 years. Dre began her career working with elderly patients and fell in love. But when COVID hit nurses left when we were already in a nursing shortage. On the front lines of a battlefield that never retreated, nurse Dre and her brave colleagues, Accepted the challenge with a smile on their face. However burnout drew closer and closer faster and faster. Not only was she burnt out but also everyone around her period the patients the staff, everyone. It was a terrible environment to work in. As she walked out of the nursing home one day, she realized there was no end to it and quickly suicide came across her mind. Dre hadn't been in a place like this in a decades and it was time to change. She knew that if that was going through her mind it was also going through other nurses minds as well and she couldn't stand that thought. For most healthcare workers we knew we wanted to do this since we were little. Somehow help people as best we could. She would do the job for free if she didn't have to raise her kids with money. So now that this was the complete opposite of that feeling she knew she had to do something. Nurse Dre knew that to help her colleagues, she had to show them the power of Hypnotherapy for getting rid of burnout and panic attacks. So she quickly quit her job am began her practice and hypnotherapy to help health care workers who are struggling with burnout as well. It's been a bumpy road but the journey has been worth it. Helping nurses and other health care professionals be better prepared for the burnout that is coming and face the trauma that has happened in their past, head on, has greatly reduced the stress, anxiety, and their suicidal feelings.

Nurse Dre has 3 amazing children and lives in the countryside of east Georgia. She loves going muddin', and taking the kids down a good Zip-Line in the treetops of the Great Smoky Mountains.

She love doing pubic speeches so that she can spread the word about the life changing effects Hypnosis is having as an anti-depressant, anti-anxiety, and anti-stress pill replacement. That is why she named her company Mind Over Medicine. She believes whole-heartedly that if the mind and the body can create dis-ease, it can surely heal it.

The greatest tragedy in someone suffering from a dis-ease is not the 10 treatments that never worked; but in the 1 effective treatment he never considered trying.

Nurse Dre has different packages and 1:1 sessions, and would love to speak at your event, as there are several unknown ways to prevent burnout in Nurses and other Healthcare Professionals.

For business inquiries please email ThatNurseDre@gmail.com

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