Blogs & Products / Packages

Choose the Blog you are interested in. While “Alternative Healing Blog” has ways to heal yourself and dives into the brilliant world of your subconscious mind and hypnosis, “Mind of Dre” give you a more philosophic view from Nurse Dre’s ideals.

Also, Packages & Products for Hypnotherapy are Listed Below as they are Released.

Alternative Healing Methods Blog

Learn how to heal without, or along with main-stream Medicine. Find the experts and their revolutionary new methods of healing.

Mind of Dre Blog

Question Everything! Start a deep conversation, or observe the madness of the world around you with Nurse Dre as a guide.

Hypnotherapy Products & Packages

Discover Nurse Dre's New Hypnotherapy Products & Packages, Including:

Weight Loss | Finding Purpose | Burnout

Category 1

Mind of Dre Blog

Question Everything! The world around you is NOT what you think it is. Did you know it is harder to convince people that they have been lied to, than it is just to get them to believe the lie? Nurse Dre points out inconsistencies, truths, and ideals that randomly come to mind.

"It's a great time, but be warned, some things can alter your entire perception of reality!" ~Nurse Dre~

Category 2

Alternative Healing

There are many different ways to heal yourself, outside, and along with traditional main-stream medicine. Check them out as Nurse Dre finds them below. They range from Hypnotherapy to Light Language Therapy to Rapid Eye Movement Therapy & Tapping.

category 3

Revolutionary New Products & Packages for Hyopnotherapy By Nurse Dre

Find your purpose, your passion, your soulmate, and the answer to your prayers- with disease, or interupt bad habits like smoking and sickness, in Life Changing Hypnosis Therapy.

Join Nurse Dre on adventure into your bright new future, or into the battle fields of a past life. If you're really ready to know what your life means and what it's all for, join her Journey to Life Between Lives - outside your physical body. 

I help people achieve their goals, and interupt negative behaviors & patterns to create the life of their dreams.

Category 4

Hack Your Weight With Hypnosis

You cannot tell your brain to be healthy because it hates change & loves habits/patterns. So Nurse Dre will guide you on a journy to bypassing your conscious mind that says you hate healthy food & exercise, & you will tell your sub-conscious mind, that is leading the way, to steer you toward a more healthy lifestyle. You can lose up to 5 lbs/ week. Check it out, it's %50 TODAY ONLY!

Hack Your Weight with Hypnosis

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