Ancient Healing Music

a vertical row of seven rainbow colored energy chakras against a circle of white and pink stars and sparkles

Many of Nurse Dre's Hypnosis recordings feature binaural beats, isochronic tones, & Solfeggio frequencies, which the ancient discovered, long ago, to heal, energize, give focus, & take your spiritual journey to a new level of endless possibilities. They physically change our DNA & reactivate healing, down to the atoms that make our bodies. This can easily be demonstrated, scientifically, by placing sand or water on a speaker or instrument that is tuned to these frequencies, and playing the music. It physically transforms matter, cells, and atoms. Each frequency turns the matter or water into, what was once a formless mess on a speaker, into a different Sacred Geometrical shape; which is how they stored the music. They would form these shapes and designs right into the very buildings and temples they used, daily.

Many of the tones, beats, and frequencies used in Nurse Dre's Hypnosis recordings, are originally created by Maribly at Music by Marialby. Licensed by Musical Hypnosis.

Audible affirmations are positive affirmations that you can hear clearly and our added to many of our 432Hz music audio’s. Affirmations get absorbed in your subconscious mind through repetition and help you realize a new way to think about yourself and your life. This new way of thinking leads to a positive world view that creates rapid changes and helps you create the reality that you are affirming.

Subliminal affirmations are a beautiful way of delivering positive affirmations that are discreet but work profoundly while you go about doing your chores, are out walking your dog or are simply meditating and relaxing yourself into a peaceful evening sleep.

Subliminal affirmations are positive affirmations that fall below an individual’s threshold for conscious perception, however they activate specific regions of the brain despite the listener’s inability to hear them. They stimulate your brain, and positively impact your thoughts and your behaviors.

Listen to the affirmation audio’s daily for at least 21 days in a row and then anytime that you desire after that. You can loop the audio and listen to it back to back and as many times as you want. Each time that you listen to the affirmations it reinforces them and allows them to become more deeply embedded into your subconscious mind which in turn enables you to project your goals out into the universe until they become a reality.


  1. You can purchase and download a high quality MP3 brainwave entrainment audio to listen to anywhere with your favorite music, meditation, positive affirmations and nature sounds or you can create your own brainwave entrainment hypnosis and positive affirmations audio’s with our binaural beats and isochronic tones.
  2. Musical Hypnosis offers Royalty-Free licensing of our high quality MP3 brainwave entrainment audio’s for commercial use with your one time payment. Read Music License Agreement here.


First let’s start by explaining a bit about what brainwave entrainment is and how it works. Brainwave entrainment is the capacity of the brain to naturally synchronize its brainwave frequencies with the rhythm of periodic external stimuli through the use of binaural beats and isochronic tones.

At any given moment in time, your brain produces five different types of brainwaves: Alpha, Beta, Delta, Gamma and Theta. These electrical signals are are how your brain cells communicate with each other and they measured in Hertz (Hz), which means 1 cycle of per second.

Brainwaves are always in constant fluctuation depending on what you are doing. In short, how you feel changes your brainwaves from moment to moment. However, by using binaural beats and isochronic tones to change your brainwave pattern, you can have control over your mental state and how you feel.



Binaural Beats are a tone created in the brain when two different frequencies are sent into each ear at the same time. The tones are combined together inside your head by your brain, resulting in a pulse called the “binaural beat”. The binaural beat is the subtracted difference between the two frequencies.

For Example: If a 150Hz frequency is presented to your right ear, while a 140Hz frequency is presented to your left ear at the same time, you will perceive a third frequency in addition to the two frequencies that you hear in each ear. This third sound is called a binaural beat and it will have a perceived pitch correlating to a 10Hz alpha brainwave frequency, which is the difference between the 150Hz and 140Hz frequencies presented to each ear. The beat that you hear is actually created inside your head, not externally. This is because your brain creates the beat after working out the differences from each ear.

Binaural beats can be very hypnotic because they induce hemispheric synchronization in the brain much like meditation.

With binaural beats we can take charge of our own consciousness. We can listen to audio that changes our state of mind. Binaural beats are a soft, gentle shift of brainwave state. You should always listen to binaural beats with headphones for the full effect so that each ear can receive a different frequency. If you listen to a binaural beat audio without headphones in most cases you will hardly be able to detect a beat at all because your ears will be able to hear both frequencies at once and the third binaural beat frequency disappears.

Binaural beats are the most popular form of brainwave entrainment because they have been around the longest and have passed the test of time.


Isochronic Tones are single tones being turned on and off at a consistent rapid rate that create sharp, distinctive pulses of sound.

They are created differently than binaural beats but the effect that binaural beats and isochronic tones have is very similar. Isochronic tones are measured in Hertz (Hz) just like binaural beats.

For Example: An isochronic tone with a frequency of 12Hz plays 12 beats in a second, 10Hz plays 10beats in a second, 9Hz plays 9 beats in a second and so on.

Isochronic tones produce a much stronger and distinct beat than binaural beats because isochronic tones have a much bigger depth of modulation than binaural beats. This vigorous more pronounced beat causes the brainwave activity to react profoundly in your brain. This makes isochronic tones extremely effective at brainwave entrainment.Isochronic tones are a newer form of brainwave entrainment. You can listen to isochronic tones with or without headphones to achieve the full desired benefits.


  • Alleviate stress and anxiety
  • Increased focus, concentration, and motivation
  • Improved confidence
  • Improves IQ
  • Better long term memory and memory retention
  • Deeper meditation
  • Enhanced performance and mood
  • Promotes healthy sleep


Alpha, Beta, Delta, Gamma and Theta brainwaves are very low in frequency and it is impossible to hear them directly without what is called a “carrier frequency”. There is no audible sound below 20Hz and if you want to hear sound between 20Hz and 40Hz you will need to use extremely large and loud speakers.

In order to tap into the energy and sound of low frequency brainwaves you need to choose another sound wave whose frequency is reproducible by your speaker and within the audible range.

The frequency of the carrier frequency is independent of the Alpha, Beta, Delta, Gamma or Theta brainwave frequency that needs to be turned into sound and usually has a much higher Hz frequency than the brainwave frequency.

The purpose of the carrier frequency is to transmit the information through space as an electromagnetic wave and into your headphones or speakers.

The majority of the binaural beats in have been created with the ancient Solfeggio Healing Frequencies and the 432Hz Universal Healing Frequency as the carrier frequency because of their superior healing qualities that have been documented since ancient times.


The original Solfeggio frequencies are six pure tonal notes that were once used to make up the ancient musical scales and an additional three Solfeggio tones have been discovered in modern times. The sound frequencies were used in Gregorian chants, one of which was the great hymn of St. John the Baptist. The special tones of the Solfeggio frequencies were used to unite man with the Creator. They did this by undoing all the physical, mental, karmic and spiritual conditions that cause separation from the source of all.

Solfeggio frequencies are ancient healing tones that are special electromagnetic frequencies and when tuned correctly they stimulate, promote and activate a profound healing effect in the conscious and subconscious mind and have an incredible transformational effect on the body.


They are both equally effective. If you like soothing softer sounds that are more relaxing for meditative purposes then binaural beats will probably be your favorite choice, but if you prefer stronger and sharper tones while you are performing tasks like studying or working at your computer then you may favor isochronic tones. It is a personal choice and by experimenting you will be able to figure out what works best for you.


It is important to make sure that you are well hydrated before listening to binaural beats and isochronic tones, especially when using the higher Beta and Gamma brainwave frequencies. The brain is composed of approximately 75% water and you need to keep it hydrated before meditating and brainwave entrainment, especially when you are doing things that require a higher level of concentration.

Method 1: Using headphones: Binaural Beats require headphones to experience the full effect of the binaural frequency. Find a time and place when you will be free of distractions to clear your mind so that you can relax and connect with the creative part of your brain.

Method 2: Without headphones: Isochronic Tones do not require headphones to receive the full benefits and can be listened to with an mp3 player, smartphone, tablet, computer or any speaker.

Method 3: With or without headphones: When the Binaural Beat and the Isochronic Tone is combined in the same audio recording you can listen to the audio with or without headphones and achieve the same brainwave entrainment benefits.

You can use binaural beats and isochronic tones as often as you like but it takes approximately between 21-30 days for a new neural pathway to form. That is when the real results from using brainwave entrainment start occurring.

Daily use literally changes and re-wires the brain to function more optimally because the results are cumulative. New neural pathways are formed, and the brain is trained and exercised to perform better.

Make sure that you set aside enough time to enjoy a full brainwave entrainment session. Usually 15 to 30 minutes are ideal for you to experience the benefits.


Binaural Beats and Isochronic Tones are completely safe for most individuals to use and have been scientifically studied for many decades.

However, there are some people who should not listen to them:

  • Do Not Listen if you are driving or operating heavy machinery, because binaural beats and isochronic tones can put you into a trance-like state and can risk your personal safety and the safety of others.
  • Do Not Listen if you suffer from deep depression, psychological or mental disorders without the approval of your physician.
  • Do Not Listen if you suffer from heart conditions or have a pacemaker, because any change to heart rhythms due to the change in brain waves can potentially cause a serious condition or situation.
  • Do Not Listen if you suffer from seizures, because it can increase the probability of having a seizure due to the change in brainwave activity.
  • Do Not Listen if you are pregnant, because brainwave entrainment can stimulate labor.
  • Do Not Listen around children, because children have a higher risk of developing seizures or a seizure disorder due to the immaturity of the brain.

“May You Have A Beautiful And Transformational Listening Experience With Our Brainwave Frequencies

Top of Form

Supercharge Your Meditation With Our Binaural Beats, Isochronic Tones & 432Hz Musical Affirmations Today!

Epsilon Binaural Beats - Achieve Higher State Of Consciousness, Instantly - Raise Your Energy - Meditation Tone #binauralbeats #raiseyourvibration #adhdmusic #solfeggio #meditation


?  Subscribe to our Channel: @Mind Over Medicine

?(Note: Use headphones for the best audio experience. At least 20 to 25 minutes per day, "if possible," should be spent listening to this music in peace. Do not attempt to play too much at once if you are a beginner.

?Binaural Beats and Solfeggio Frequencies Music: Instant Lift in Consciousness!

These tracks' frequencies have been selected to fit particular circumstances, such as sleep or anxiety issues, or to go along with meditation.

**Perfect for INSTANT LIFT in Consciousness, Vibration, and Energy; these tones are created with instruments that are tuned to the Solfeggio Scale, which is the original scale we used for centuries, until that changed in recent history. The change created a loss of feeling in sound. The 6 original tones in Solfeggio, that were in used for the practice of using sound and music to heal disappeared with it. The Solfeggio Tones have returned to modern instruments and the use in many Homeopathic Practices for healing. Sound Therapy has been used for millennia for healing problems, like anxiety/depression, chronic and acute pain, migraines, relationships, concentration issues- like A.D.H.D., and many more. It's also used for meditation that is taken to an even deeper level. The Solfeggio Tones will bring your neurological (brain) system into a state of creativity, manifestation, and flow- very fast. The uses for their Solfeggio Tones, and Binaural Beats, which can have the same effects as Solfeggio, are endless.

The Original Solfeggio Tones:

    396 Hz – Associated with Liberating Guilt and Fear

    417 Hz – Associated with Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change

    528 Hz – Associated with Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair)

    639 Hz – Associated with Connecting/Relationships

    741 Hz – Associated with Expression/Solutions

    852 Hz – Associated with Returning to Spiritual Order

?We want to be clear that neither these tracks nor the advice offered by a doctor or other medical professional can cure a health problem. Additionally, never use any type of machinery or drive while listening to our music.

?Sleep music:

A person's health depends greatly on their ability to sleep. These songs are made to either help you fall asleep or to sleep with you through the night.

?Relaxing Music:

These songs can be played in any setting, such as the background while you work, during moments of relaxation after a difficult day, or whenever you like.

**Perfect for INSTANT LIFT in Consciousness, Vibration, and Energy

?We advise listening to music at a moderate volume with headphones or earbuds. During meditation, you'll be surrounded by a potent sonic environment that will support you.

I appreciate your listening very much. If you like our work, please consider subscribing and becoming a part of our community, in bringing back Sound Therapy to make a real, positive change in our realm. Happy day or night, everyone! We wish you sweet dreams, peace, and perfect flow. <3

Binaural Beats and Solfeggio frequencies, are not just normal "zen music". Even the instruments used in this recording is tuned differently than modern, everyday instruments. They are tuned to the natural frequencies our ancestors used for healing, spiritual growth, creativity, relationships/love, etc. When used in conjunction with meditation, hypnosis, or other visualization exercises, they manifest beautiful transformations.

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