What if You Could Upload a Healthy Lifestyle to Your Brain, to Lose Weight, Permanently?! 

By relaxing-NOT forcing diets & exercise!

If you're ready to lose 2 dress sizes in less than 6 weeks, click "PLAY" to watch free training

What if I told you that Relaxing can help you lose more weight, than Exercise & Salad? We fight diets because our Brain has to be Activated, 1st, to Lose Weight, Permanently!

This is a True Miracle... It's like my Brain just Switched Everything I Enjoy Eating & Doing, to Healthy Things!

Raven R. - Admin. Asst.

"It was so EASY! You can't call this a Diet Plan, or even a Lifestyle Change... This is a True Miracle! I used to LOVE SUGAR! Now, I CRAVE HEALTHIER FOODS, and I can't wait to get to the GYM every day. I was the biggest couch potato, and so LAZY! It's like my Brain just SWITCHED everything I enjoy eating and doing, to HEALTHY THINGS. Nurse Dre gave me a New Chance at Life. A Complete Transformation."

Naturally, Become the Healthy, Sexy, Successful Person You Are Hiding

Learn to Achieve Incredible, Natural Weight Loss, Effortlessly & Permanently… Even When You are Sleeping!

Change Your Mind... Change Your Life... Change Your Destiny

Course Pre-enrollment Pricing Closes on

December 1,  2022 'Limited Spots Available'

Click Button Below To Sign Up & get over $1,000 OFF!


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"Why can't I just make myself Healthy?

I know I need to eat better and work out more. I know I'm sick and unhealthy. Why is that not Scary Enough for me to make a real change? I never stick to a diet, & my Gym membership is just another subscription I never use! Why am I so stubborn and lazy?"


"When People Find out that the Health & Wellness Industry has been Hiding the Truth About Weight Loss, they are Done For!"

If you have ever asked yourself these questions.. If you have ever looked at a beautiful, fit woman, at the gym and thought, 'man I wish I could be her, why can't I stick to a diet or a gym routine?'.. If you have ever asked yourself, 'I want to WANT to eat healthy and be fit, but I don't have the willpower or the time and energy it takes! Every diet I try, fails, miserably. Something always gets in the way of my weight loss.

Darlin, you are in the right place.

I am so excited to share this information with you, because you deserve to hear the truth about why you've "failed" at dieting.

It's NOT YOUR FAULT! It has never been your fault that you cannot stick to Exercise Plans, and seem to be Allergic to Diets!

But I'm about to show you how there has always been just 1 BIG thing missing from diet & exercise Plans, that has purposely set you up for failure!... until now!

Hey Beautiful, I'm Nurse Dre, & when I found out this HUGE SECRET that the Health & Wellness Industry doesn't want anyone to know, I was shocked at how "in your face" it was. It's been right in front of us, our entire lives. 

Get This!: When I implemented the program, I created, below, GIRL, I watched, in awe, & so did my friends, as the weight I had carried on my for years, just fell off

I lost 54 pounds, in 4 MONTHS!

And the truth is, I was eating McDonald's fast food, several times a week, and they gym? Forget it! I didn't step one foot in the gym, during those 4 months!

However, I was able to implement a relaxation exercise that allowed me to gain back control of my brain. And when that happened, I trained my subconscious mind, you know, the part of you that keeps your blood pumping and lungs breathing, without you having to tell it to...


And that was a GAME CHANGER!

Who would have EVER THOUGHT to use RELAXATION to lose weight

Have you ever looked at a girl walking into the gym, with a hot guy beside her, happy beautiful, & fit, & thought to yourself, "Why can't I make myself stick to this diet and exercise routine? Why can't I make myself want to want to go work out and eat healthy food?

How does she want do it? I'm tired of Forcing Myself to Diet.


I found out the number one secret that the health and Wellness and weight loss industry is hiding from us and I used it to my advantage and weight started effortlessly, falling off of me! In my sleep, too!

And this secret is actually a big deal so you might wanna stick around to find out what it is.

First, here why we don’t lose weight and Stick to weight loss programs…

If you do not have the motivation to start the diet/exercise plan, & you do not have the endurance to stick to and stay on the plan, causing momentum to keep you committed long enough to make it an entire lifestyle change then you do not have the foundation of what it takes to stay on the plan and reap the benefits.

And this is where failure & guilt & embarrassment will arrive each & every time you start a diet or exercise program.

But why?

If you cannot stick to a diet or exercise program, but you wish you could, & feel guilty & embarrassed that you put in so much work, to get nothing out of it, time and time again.

And never losing more than a few pounds, here & there...

It’s not your fault.

nurse dre

Aundrea Wright, LPN, CCHyp.

RTT Practitioner

Creator of Mind Over Medicine

Hack Your Weight

The Truth is...

If you are stressed out, your brain will not allow your body to release unnecessary fats & toxins, that are naturally supposed to be released, daily. For most people, this is the one thing that has been lacking in their weight-loss programs. You can work out until you are blue in the face, and you can starve yourself through crazy diets for a decade, & NEVER get to your goal weight.

You Absolutely Must Activate your Brain to Weight Loss & Healing Mode!"

yellow neon signature nurse dre

Here’s what people are saying about the course

Clients from all over the world are raving about this course. Check out the reviews, below!

Cara R.

Marketing Agent

It's so simple! Just listen to the hypnosis recordings, & you're good.

It's working so well, my husband started the program and he's losing weight faster than me. It's simple. Just listen to the hypnosis recordings, and you're good! I was looking for a good surgeon to get a Lap Band Surgery because I just could not lose weight, no matter what. My Doctor suggested I try Hypnosis first. And that's what I did. I found Hack Your Weight 6 months ago and without stressing about how many carbs or calories I've eaten, or going to the gym, I have managed to get rid of 57 Pounds.
I'm so relieved I don't have to get surgery and pay thousands and risk my life. This saved my life!

-57 Pounds

Travon J.


"I've found the missing link...This is the easiest weight loss program... it's like I uploaded a "Love the Gym" program to my mind"

I've always wondered why I can't stick to my New Year's Resolution of Keto dieting and Gym daily. Now, I've found the missing link- hypnosis! It's cool you can tell your mind to do something, and it actually does it, like, naturally. I'm feeling better than I did as a teenager, and I lost 12 pounds since I started Hack Your Weight. All my cousins and friends are always asking me how I'm losing weight and getting built. I tell them It's so EASY- Hack Your Weight. This is the easiest weight loss program you'll ever find. You can actually hack your brain, just like you hack into a computer and upload a program. It's like I uploaded a "Love the Gym" program to my mind.

- 12 Pounds

Jason K.

Real Estate

When I stopped using the words "diet and exercise", and looked at my health as a more self conscious lifestyle, and started Hack Your Weight Hypnosis, EVERYTHING CHANGED.

Unfortunately I've always been the fat kid. I thought I had tried every single diet known to man, but I was very Wrong. When I stopped using the words "diet and exercise", and looked at my health as a more self conscious lifestyle, and started Hack Your Weight Hypnosis, EVERYTHING CHANGED. I have so much energy and motivation, and all the cravings for fried food and sugar, are gone. I don't have a huge appetite every second of the day. And I get full extremely fast. This is the real deal. Anyone can do this and lose weight with no effort at all. I'm excited to never be the "fat kid" ever again!

-31 Pounds

"The truth is, if you are stressed out, and have thyroid issues, diabetes, or other autoimmune diseases and Glandular Disease, your brain will not allow your body to release unnecessary fats & toxins, that are naturally supposed to be released, daily. For most people, this is the one thing that has been lacking in their weight-loss programs. You can work out until you are blue in the face, and you can starve yourself through crazy diets for a decade, & NEVER get to your goal weight."

**If your brain is not on board, you're basically a plane without a pilot... You'll crash & Burn every single time, you put yourself through that misery!**

Because the truth is, the Health & Wellness Industry realized how they can make BILLIONS of Dollars off of you & me, & our obese misery, and they refuse to give us the cure for Obesity, Diabetes, or just gaining weight, period. These issues bring in too much money to give everyone the cure, which would put a stop to their endless money flow.

But... the TRUTH & the CURE is being released, right here, right now!

Stop feeling guilty. Stop feeling like a failure, because darlin, those diets and trainers, and salads, and soups that promise a change in your life, are designed to make you fail, so that you will keep coming back for each new product they place on the market.

They give you just enough hope and 2 or 3 lost pounds, and ads of women who did it, “and so can you, if you just buy the new and improved version!” So you keep coming back for more and you keep giving them your money.

I’m so sorry to be the truth bearer, but it’s true.

The Health & Wellness Industries, alone, are worth Billions of Dollars every year. Add the Weight Loss Industry, worth even more Billions of Dollars, yearly, & lastly, add the Pharmaceutical (Medicine/vax) Industry, also worth Billions of Dollars each year...

Add it up, & what you get is an entire Conglomerate of Corporations & Entire Industries that rely on the fact that you are obese and unhealthy.

That simple fact, YOUR MISERY,  is how they are able to buy several mansions, entire football teams, yachts, Islands, and everything they could ever want.

So why would the put out the cure to help you lose weight?? The fatter we get, the more sick we get, and the more money they make.

If you haven’t noticed, I’ll let you in on a big not so known secret. Everyone is getting sicker and fatter, as the years drag on. The health and pharmaceutical industries are worth even more than diet & exercise industries because they “treat” the symptoms you get when you are obese, and sick.

But they are important as well, because when you are given the wrong diet, and you are traumatized by surviving a pandemic each year, and you are having trouble paying the bills, and your kids are getting in trouble at school, and your husband wants smexy time at the end of the day, that you prayed would just be over, so you could get some sleep;

These are the things that keep our heads buried in the sand and leaving us with not enough energy to chose healthy foods, research which diet is right for you, will your kids eat it, and needless to say, you're absolutely not going to the gym.

If these Industries that regulate what we eat, where it comes from, how much it costs, & how much of it to eat is healthy for us, are giving us the right information, the how are we all getting fatter, and sicker?

Most of us walk around like a ticking time bomb, about to have a heart attack or a stroke, or fall into an insulin coma.

After a lot of research, I have found out that the more you look at the medical and health and wellness system, the more scary they look, and the more I want to grow a garden and eat my own food.

Here's a list of just a few of the things we cover in Hack Your Weight,

Our Short-Comings in our Food Industry- That Blocks our Weight Loss

  • Every meat Americans eat has been injected with Growth Hormones & Antibiotics (making antibiotics less effective each time we use (or eat it)
  • The grain these animals are fed, daily are usually moldy & expired
  • Animals are packed in together and not given the cleansing, care, & food they need, causing disease- & yes, they still cut it up & feed it to us
  • Pigs lie dead for days before they are fed to other pigs- that we eat
  • Our water is recycled through toilets and showers, then bleached & purposefully contaminated with Neur-toxins (Poisons to the human brain)! Don't even get me started on the water!
  • Most of the vegetables and fruits in grocery stores, are injected & grown with Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO's), literally changing the entire vegies/fruits
  • They are covered in pesticides and other Cancer-Causing agents
  • Because of the FDA (food & Drug Admin.), taking fat out of everything we eat, because they thought that's why we were getting fat, everything tasted terrible & bland, so they have added sugar to literally everything you eat. Which is WAY more unhealthy than fats.
  • Nearly every human and animal in North America is INFESTED with some type of Parasites (worms), causing water bloat and weight retention.

But i digress!

Here's the problem, well besides all of that in the above bullets... we are so stressed out, that even if we could get control of all of the issues with our food, and what goes in it, we still cannot lose weight, because our brains are in the "Fight or Flight" mode, all the time.

The "Fight or Flight" mode is what scientists call the reaction a human brain creates, when found in difficult, or dangerous situations. If you meat a lion face to face, and he's licking his chops, what will happen? You will either fight him, flight (run away), or Freeze. I'd probably freeze.

Anyway, scientists say that the average American, believe it or not, is so stressed out, that their brains are in that "Fight or Flight" mode, most of our waking hours.

Here's Why All of this is so Important for Your WEIGHT...

Because of our ancestors living in the wild, with the bears & dinosaur lions, our brains are equipped to deal with your survival first, and will not focus on less important things, like proper digestion & filtering out fats & toxins.

We also prevent weight loss because when our brain is in Survival mode, it doesn’t know when it is going to get another meal, so it holds onto the fat and calories it has, preciously.

Therefore, when we force ourselves to Diet & Exercise, we are literally fighting AGAINST OUR BODIES!

It is when we relax that the brain allows the rest of the body to operate, correctly, by sending the proper signals and hormones to the organs, based on the outside environment & emotions. 

When you are relaxed, you RESET your BODY & BRAIN!

These neat little factoids are literally coded in our DNA.. It's Genetic, so scientists thought we couldn't escape it, until now!

This is why we cannot stay on diet plans or exercise programs & succeed.



When we are as stressed out as we are, in today's society, worrying about everything, our brains are constantly in survival mode, just like it was for our ancestors when they were being chased by dinosaur lions.

The only difference is the fact that when our ancestors ran to safety, and the threat was gone, their brains were then able to allow their minds to relax, and thereby allowing their bodies to work at the optimal level it should be working at, as Nature intended.

The problem is we are constantly bombarded with stressors throughout each day, but we never run out the stress, or adrenaline, physically. So, it just stays with, us all day long, & into the night.

When stress hormones, like adrenaline, are not used in a physical way, like running from dinosaur lions, it lingers and causes terrible symptoms, because your brain doesn't know when to tell the body to stop producing them or what to do with them. It's like putting your entire body, and all the organ functions, on hold because something stressful is happening, and our goal is survival, so your body's like, "yeah, let the brain do all the work."

Meanwhile, you are just plain stressed out because of a lot of factors, just like everyone else. So you eat to fill the void those emotions leave you with, and you eat bad food & fall off diets, because you don't have the time or energy to cook a full healthy meal, that everyone in your family will like. And you definitely don't have the time or energy to go to the gym.

You quickly gain weight, after repeating this process, daily. Then suddenly your doctor tells you that you are bigger than you thought you were & you have diabetes. Good luck with all the finger pricks and insulin shots.

As we get fatter, we get sicker, and develop all kinds of diseases, that make you gain more weight and cause more weight retention. It turns into a CYCLE so that the fatter you get, the more sick you and the more depressed you get. Causing you eat worse, because of low energy and low moods; causing more sickness and dis-ease; causing more weight gain and retention!

The point is, weight gain gets bad fast, and when you try to lose weight…

If your brain is not on board, you're basically a plane without a pilot... You'll crash & Burn every single time, you put yourself through this misery!

So, Activate your Brain to get on board with your weight loss! Teach it how to know when to hold and when to release the right hormones, how to handle every day stress, how to release weight & toxins that do not serve you positively, and to release weight even when you're sleeping, effortlessly!

If we can Relax, we can Renew our healing, so that we can Restart our Brain & Body to the way Nature intended your body to work, & we can finally Release the weight! Naturally! No more force-feeding yourself leaves!

Your body will naturally crave what it needs. So no more sugar cravings, binge eating, or emotional eating.

That is what we train your brain to do, in our Online Course called 'Hack Your Weight'

Course Pre-enrollment Pricing Closes on

December 1,  2022 'Limited Spots Available'

Click Button Below To Sign Up & get over $1,000 OFF!


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With Relaxation, Positive Brain Exercises & Suggestions, & a Shift in thinking, we can bypass the conscious (awake, decision making) mind, and speak to your subconscious mind, the part of your brain that makes you breath, blink, and regulate blood sugar, etc. With repetition and relaxation, we can ACTIVATE OUR BRAIN TO CALM DOWN, AND ALLOW THE WEIGHT LOSS & HEALING TO FLOW NATURALLY. WHILE YOU SLEEP.

But... first, we need to find the ROOT CAUSE OF YOUR WEIGHT GAIN & RETENTION.

We can find it with Hypnotherapy. The only therapy that can get you results, fast, so you don't have to worry about seeing a therapist for years, or forcing yourself into dieting forever.

Plus, Nurse Dre uses and Revolutionary new therapy called, Rapid Transformation Therapy (RTT). Nurse Dre is a Practitioner in RTT, & has seen amazing results. Especially for weight loss.

A big factor in all of this, Is knowing who you can trust. And that will always lead back to one person… You.

When you are too busy and tired, you cannot hear your inner voice or intuition telling you what is good for you. And believe it or not, your intuition is usually right.

So start activating your brain by using your intuition to choose the right foods to eat.

Because if the “Health & Wellness” Industry is not going to tell you the truth, because they just want your money, you have to research things, outside of the main, top  google health pages, and find nutritionists, and health coaches that will give you the truth that they have found by doing that very thing; educating themselves, and listening to their inner voice. If it doesn't feel right, don’t do it.

Apply this to every facet of your life. Which job should you pick? Which car do you want to buy? What are you going to feed your family?

Choose the option of least resistance. This is the easiest way to start relaxing and taking stress off of you. And I promise you, things will begin to change for the better. If you add this to a positive outlook on life, you will see a dramatic positive transformation of who you are, and how you impact others around you.

The biggest way to help your mind start telling your body to release weight is to start telling it that you believe and know that it already is.

Your mind believes EVERYTHING YOU SAY!

I emphasize this, because as soon as I started talking about myself, and my world, I saw a huge improvement in my life, my job, my family relationships, and my weight.

At the time I learned this, I was 232 pounds, and an anxious, hot mess. I had a job that was traumatic and abusive, with a boss that was even worse.

But check this out. I had heard that the way you think of someone and portray their attitude as they treat you, that is the way they will treat you. So when I believed that my boss was evil, because she kind of was, she was really mean and hard to get along with. But when I learned this I started thinking about how I can make this work in my life with my relationships and people around me.

So I chose my boss and I meditated for about 10 minutes one day and I just thought about thankful thoughts that she had become a nicer person that she was becoming more positive in our workplace and she was more helpful and more relatable and that I was thankful for this because I needed it at the time.

And I swear to you the next day, literally the next day she was so nice she was helpful and actually in the work doing things to help us she was smiling and asking how I was doing and about my dog and just a really sweet lady.

You would have thought someone else had taken over her body. She was the exact opposite of what she had been and what I have portrayed her to be. It was so cool!

And like I said I only meditated on her for about 10 minutes one day.

It doesn't take a lot to change the world around you to what you want it to be.

When I saw how easy it was to manipulate my world around me, I started applying this to everything in my life. I would just be thankful that things were the way that I wanted them to be, and that's how they would be.

At the time I knew that hypnosis could change my weight and help me lose it, but I didn't know exactly how powerful it would be for me. Because it wasn't just weight loss hypnosis, it was therapy to find out why I was holding all this weight on.

There can be so many reasons why you're holding weight. It could be stress and your body naturally thinks that you need to hold on wait when you're in a stressful situation. But when the stress doesn't end the weight gain doesn't end.

I was going through a terrible divorce and at the time I did not want to have a boyfriend I wanted to be alone. And I literally did not even want people hitting on me. And this was one of the major reasons that I allowed myself to get as big as I did. I never would have known that had I not gone through the hypnotherapy.

I did know that I needed to reduce my stress so that my body would release the weight. So then I had to find the root cause of my stress and heal it so that my body could release the stress and release the weight.

There were environmental factors involved, there were toxins and parasites that were causing me to retain weight and water bloat, and I was eating terribly.

But at the time I considered myself to be on the Ketogenic Diet. I mean I even started a YouTube channel, showing what kinds of Keto diets I liked my kids would eat, just to keep myself accountable.

Of course this didn't last very long, because I had no motivation and energy to stay on the diet. I was going through so much drama in my home life and in my job life that I didn't have the want to diet or to get healthy. I couldn't make myself force-feed myself plants.

Honestly, I just went moment to moment, day by day, hoping that I got through each day, just to get to go to sleep at night, and escape it all.

And that is the problem. Escape.

That is what I wanted. And all I wanted. I wanted to check out of this reality because it was so hard period end because I wasn't given my body the nutrients that it needed and reading the toxins and neurotoxins from my body so that my brain would work correctly, I just got bigger and bigger, more unhealthy, and more unhappy.

That's not what I want to do in this life. I don't want to just survive it.

So I had a hypnotherapy session with a colleague of mine,  and she helped me go through the process of finding out what was causing all of this and how I could heal it. We went through the process and almost instantaneously everything started getting better.

I didn't diet I didn't exercise but weight started falling off of me like crazy!

Anxiety seemed to get a lot better.

I noticed the people around me started treating me better and more importantly I was able to receive their positivity.

Whereas before, I really didn't want anyone to talk to me at all, about anything. But that was suddenly not the case.

I found a new confidence that I had never known and a happiness that I had never known was possible.

Not only did that hypnotherapy session heal the causes of my stress and the causes of my weight gain and my wait hold, but it also healed my anxiety depression and so many other things that I was holding onto, that were bringing me down day by day, and stacking up quickly.

I was able to lose 54 pounds in four months time!

And when I tell you I did not diet or exercise, I mean it.

I went two and eight at McDonald's almost every single day. That was something that I had to work on because I was addicted to McDonald's food because of the chemicals that are in it. but soon that addiction floated away as well.

The things that did not serve me positively anymore were able to just fall to the wayside and I was able to step out of that victim state and into a victor state and walk away and leave it all behind.

I was able to release the toxins and the parasites that I needed to in order to make myself healthy again.

My Rheumatoid Arthritis that I had suffered with for years, was suddenly, nearly gone.

And here’s why…

Like I said your mind believes everything that you say to it or to anyone. So start with changing you speech from negative "I'm so fat" to positive "I am so sexy"!

So use that to your advantage. Tell yourself how smexy you are and imagine that goal weight looking down at the scale, tell yourself you are slim and getting to your goal weigh, and tell it you look so hot in that dress. The more your brain hears it, the more it believes it and makes it a reality.

You can get on a diet and an exercise plan you can find a trainer in a nutritional therapist or nutrition coach with a drop of a hat. They are everywhere. But if your mind is not equipped with a foundation and the ability to stick to the diet and the exercise plan, the exercise and the diet is not going to work.

Someone once said, "If you fail to plan you plan to fail”

In order to set yourself up for success you have to have your subconscious mind on board with your conscious mind so you can do what you want to do.

That is what we train your brain to do, in our Online Course called 'Hack Your Weight'

This course teaches us how to use relaxation exercises to release our daily stress, guilt, & anxiety, that is causing most of our weight gain; & it gets to the very root cause of your mind's legitimate reason to hold onto weight & not release it.

Then we bypass your conscious mind and train your unconscious mind (the part of your brain that keeps you breathing, on auto-pilot, and you don't have to tell it to), so that we can command your subconscious mind to find the cause of your weight gain and retention, overcome it, and release the weight. This is where miracles happen.

We heal the blocks, & use your subconscious mind to continue healing and learn when & how to continue releasing weight, toxins, & chemicals that do not serve your body. This is exactly how Nature intended your mind and body to work, but it gets hard in today's world.

Relax, Renew, Restart, Release.

Course Pre-enrollment Pricing Closes on

December 1,  2022 'Limited Spots Available'

Click Button Below To Sign Up & get over $1,000 OFF!


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If we can Relax, we can Renew our healing, so that we can Restart our Brain & Body to the way Nature intended your body to work, & we can finally Release the weight! Naturally! No more force-feeding yourself leaves!

Your body will naturally crave what it needs. So no more sugar cravings, binge eating, or emotional eating.

We will show you how the different toxins & parasites around you and inside you, work against your weight loss goals.

You'll learn how to release anxiety and heal trauma so that your mind and body can focus on getting you healthy.

We'll show you the true history of the Health & Wellness Industries, & how the rich control it, & who you can trust.

By far, the best benefit you'll receive during this course, is your health. When you learn how to stop the cycle of weight gain, disease, stress, & food, You will see a beautiful transformation in your health & happiness!

Remember, you can Diet & Exercise until you're blue in the face. But you must Activate your Brain to lose weight

Nurse Dre can help you 



Click the button bellow to learn more; and join us in this amazing journey! Good Luck Darlin! See you soon.

The Health & Wellness Industry is About to Implode. When People find out their Huge Secret, that NO ONE IS TALKING ABOUT, its' Over for them! (thank goodness!)

Introducing Hack Your Weight, by Nurse Dre

Hack your weight was designed to show you how to train your brain to Relax, so that it pump out the right chemicals that put your body into Weight Loss Mode. This is how you will lose weight effortlessly and permanently. 

Course Pre-enrollment Pricing Closes soon

'Limited Spots Available'

Click Button Below To Sign Up & get over $1,000 OFF!


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Here’s What You’ll Get When You Sign Up

This course is designed to be an online course, so that you can finish it on your own time; because who needs more stress because of a due date?! You will get a Hypnotherapy Session with Nurse Dre to find the root cause of your weight gain/retention, overcome that cause/issue, & positively reinforce good habits in your subconscious mind. (This Activates Your Brain for Optimal Weight Loss & Healthy Body). It also includes modules to help reinforce what your brain needs to remember, to keep you in weight loss mode permanently, & educate you on things that help you get to your weight loss goals, even faster. These modules consist of video instruction, audios, extra hypnosis recordings, like exercise & stress/anxiety recordings to help you through your weight loss journey. It also includes some extras, like Goal Mapping, lists of toxins to avoid, & Journaling.

RTT Hypnotherapy Session

You will have a one on one session of RTT (Rapid Transformation Hypnotherapy). Here, we will find out exactly why you are unable to lose weight, and overcome the issue, so that you can move on with your life in a healthy manor. We will finish the session with relaxation and positive reinforcement (training your brain). Afterwards, you will be given a customized recording to listen to while relaxing, or before sleep, for 21 days.

The Online Course Modules

The online course is designed to show you the unhealthy habits we sometimes, don't even know exist. We will cover toxins, parasites, and food/water toxins that are demolishing your gut. You will also learn about relaxation, & relieving anxiety, so that you can relax, daily to reinforce the positive suggestions you gave your brain in your hypnotherapy session, with Nurse Dre. + So Much more!

Daily Relaxation Recordings

When you have your Hypnotherapy session with Nurse Dre, you will receive a customized recording to take home. The recording is intended to go along with you daily relaxation time, that we focus on, in the course. You can do this any time of they day, but be sure to listen for 21 days to get the best results! Plus extras, like exercise, The Gut Garden recording, & morning energy hypnosis.

Worksheet, Journal, & Guides

Along with the course, you will receive some worksheets, a Journal, & a guide to keeping your body, mind and spirit in sync, so that things get better in every corner of your life. Worksheets include things like bad habits cycles & a Cheat-Sheet of toxins to look for when purchasing home, personal care, and food items. (very Valuable!)We will look also work on goal mapping & make a strategy for you to achieve your goals.

Overview of a few Modules in the Course

These are just a taste of the topics we will cover in the course.


Mind Rules

This is most likely the most important message Nurse Dre has for you. Everything your mind hears, it believe. We will cover the secret pathways to take, and create to get control of your conscious & subconscious mind, so you can be aware of the subliminal messages your brain absorbs. That gives you the super-power of using your own subliminal messages to your brain, in a positive, healthy way, to make your life, the best life possible.

Subjects Include

  • Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs- A list of needs that each person needs to feel fulfilled throughout life. Plus, how you can gain access to meeting these needs, with ease & flow.
  • Rules of the Mind- There are several rules your Mind abides by, just because it is coded in our DNA (our Genes). We'll cover the psychology of how you can use these secret DNA codes to bring out the full potential of your mind, body & soul.
  • Self Awareness- This may sound redundant to some, but watching yourself on video, or hearing an audio of you speaking to your family can be eye-opening. We will experiment with different exercises that align with your life goals to achieve them quicker. When you're self aware, your confidence sky rockets, & the possibilities are endless.


New Modalities of Healing & Having a Healthy Mind & Body

Here, Nurse Dre will briefly cover new, revolutionary ways to heal your body, mind, & spirit. With the current healthcare, weight loss, pharmaceutical, insurance & nutrition systems failing us, daily, many doctors & nurses are breaking free of that system, just like Nurse Dre did, to give people true ways to heal. Every day, more and more patients are gravitating toward alternative or holistic healing. As our planet evolves, so shall we. Some of these modalities include:

  • Alignment- body mind spirit/soul- What does that mean to you? Learn how you can align yourself so that true healing and optimal health can occur permanently.
  • Energy & Magnetic Fields- You have energy running your body. Plus, you have a magnetic field around you, that connects you with others and your environment, (the Earth). These are bombarded with intrusions, daily. So we will show you how to avoid it and achieve more balance and flow.
  • Iridology & Muscle Testing- Iridology is the study of the eyes (the iris of your eye), to predict certain imbalances or issues your body is handling. Muscle testing is really quite amazing and give you another super-power. It can show you how to find out if you are allergic or unable to eat or even handle certain foods, water, minerals, medicine, people, etc. This very valuable information. Gone are the days of allergy testing with dozens of needles to the back!


Self Hypnosis

Nurse Dre would love to give you yet another super power. The power of Hypnosis at your fingertips, 24/7. This has created many blessings and miracles for many people. If you are able to hypnotize yourself, you can do anything.

  • Nurse Dre will guide you through the process of self hypnosis
  • You'll learn what types of issues self hypnosis is good for
  • You'll learn to quickly & easily slide out of a panic/anxiety attack and back into relaxation, in 3 seconds, flat. Say Bye-Bye to Xanax!


Weekly Webinar Coaching Call

Each week, we will get together via zoom to have guest speakers and Nurse Dre speak about new healing modalities, weight loss strategies, purpose talk, + Q & A's!

  • Nurse Dre will be on each call to answer all your questions
  • You'll have access to new hypnosis deals & free recordings to help you along your journey
  • You'll join a tribe of people just like you, who are doing their best to get and stay healthy

Plus Much, Much More... You don't want to miss this!


To add even more value & ease to your Weight Loss Journey, we are throwing in a few Bonuses!

So, You get the Hypnotherapy Session, and a customized recording, you get the entire Hack Your Weight Course, with lifetime access, and a weekly webinar coaching call, you also get tons of Bonuses! Check them out!

Bonus 1
Nurse Dre's
Pre-Published, Exclusive Access eBooks

You get to download Nurse Dre's eBooks before they hit the shelves!

12 Questions to Find Your Why & Transform Your Future

Get motivated! This eBook is packed full of amazing information on finding, not only your Why, but also, your purpose & motivation. What drives you? It's time to identify it!

The Struggle for True Purpose

Find Purpose! If you've ever asked yourself what your purpose is, or what the purpose to life is, this book is for you. It looks at the struggle for people to find their one true purpose in life, helps you identify & act on yours, & begs the question, is there more than one purpose for each of us, & if so, which do we choose?

Bonus 2
30 Days Free Membership to
Mind Over Medicine

Plus, you are getting 30 days of free access to

Mind Over Medicine 

Mind Over Medicine is a subscription website that helps you reach your health goals fast & effectively. You'll find access to exclusive interviews of new Practitioners that are offering Alternative Healing Modalities, we have never heard of or considered! It's so exciting to be alive right now!

Plus, members get free eBooks each month, webinars, weekly with Nurse Dre & other Practitioners, & early access to new Hypnosis recordings each week, before they are published!

This is great so you can take a new journey each week, & you won't have only 1 or 2 hypnosis recordings; you'll have a lot!

Bonus 3
Join the Tribe!

Weekly Webinars & Our Facebook Group

Join our Tribe of people just like you! Get access to our members-only Facebook group, where you can get 24 hour advice from people who know exactly what you're going through and can give you many tips and pointers on how they achieved their success. Ask anything..anytime!

If you don't find your answer there, just ask Nurse Dre. She's available during the day to give advice. Send her a message on Facebook & she will answer in 24-48 hours.

Or ask anything during the weekly webinar, with Nurse Dre.

About The Course Creator,
Nurse Dre

Aundrea Wright, LPN, CCHyp., LRTTP

Aundrea Wright, Nurse Dre, is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, a Licensed Practitioner of Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT), & a Licensed Nurse of over 10 years.

She is a singe mom of 3 beautiful kids, who teach her new lessons, each day. She has worked as a Vet Tech, then Geriatrics Nurse, & now Hypnosis Practitioner.

Her goal is to help people get through their journey, here, as painless as possible. When Dre was a child she was abused and abandoned by family members, she loved dearly. She lost her father to a house fire, when she was only 13 years old. She then married a narcissist and suffered with tremendous emotional abuse and character assassination. The two divorced after 3 kids and 13 long years of struggle. But through the divorce, came peace. An inner peace she never knew. As she began meditating and questioning her reality, she began to connect with her soul, God, and nature, again. Dre was fortunate enough to be introduced to EMDR Therapy & Hypnosis Therapy (Hypnotherapy). Though healing is truly a lifelong process, it had begun. This was a huge turning point in her life, as she banished the life of a Victim, & finally rose out of the ashes of shame, holding grudges, & regret, to the role of Victor. She found a happiness that she never knew was possible. Her biggest lesson learned was that there is not happiness and learning, without pain and suffering.

"You cannot fathom the essence of love, until you have been drug through the trenches of despair and betrayal."  -Nurse Dre

Dre has found fulfillment in helping others, even if it includes a foot rub for an elderly man. And now, she's sharing each lesson learned with others, to help them navigate their journey on Earth. She works with Hypnosis, Coaching, and Online Courses. She has a YouTube Channel that provides free relaxing hypnosis tracks & binaural beats + isochronic tones + Solfeggio frequencies, to make beautiful music that literally makes you feel amazing. Check it out here: Mind Over Medicine on YouTube. The meditations are both for sleep and amazing energy for mornings or those 3 o'clock afternoon crashes. She also has a channel for discussing true, natural healing, controlling your life with just your mind, and so much more that you won't want to miss. Check out her personal YouTube channel here. (Beware, it is in the process of revamping ;) )

Nurse Dre truly believes that "...sickness, obesity, & dis-ease is caused by trauma, not yet dealt with. It's the body sending a message to the brain, to get attention. When we don't learn our lessons through hard times, and we bury our trauma to put on a smiling mask, it just festers inside you, and grows, until you deal with it-head on. The crazy thing is, all it needs for healing, is acknowledgement. That's it. Most times, we are able to get dis-ease and excess weight to just be released, finally. It helps your energy flow again."

Speaking of energy, Dre loves to connect with people and nature through the world of positive energy and meditation. She believes that the beautiful energy of the Universe has literally rigged the game of life in your favor. She believes there are NO coincidences and that we only find the people (healers, friends, coaches, etc.) we need, at the exact moment we need them the most. And, she believes that each one of us have a set plan and agreements with our Soul Family before we come to Earth; carefully planning each lesson and creating the bigger picture.

This belief in Interlaced Pre-planning has helped her tremendously in the fields of forgiveness (of herself & others), patience, & acceptance with her traumatic childhood. It has brought her out of victim mode and into VICTOR mode. She can finally claim forgiveness, and she wants to help you do the same.

See more about these ideals in her blog by clicking here. And never miss a post, by signing up for her "Mind Over Medicine" Newsletter, by clicking here.

Nurse Dre has guided many people, just like you, to finding new meaning to life by clarifying and fulfilling their purpose and finding healing, and would be honored to help you as well. For more info, please click "Learn More" below.

Here’s what people are saying about the course instructor

Jason M.


I'm so glad I chose Nurse Dre

She was so easy to work with. She's professional, but empathetic. You won't find a bit of judgement from her. It's like talking to your best friend. I was really able to relax and open up. I think that made a huge difference.

Laney G.


Finally at my Goal Weight for the first time in a decade! Dre is Magical!

Every other program I tried, never worked. I hate salad. But this is a whole new ballgame. It has changed every aspect of my life now. Nurse Dre has helped me with panic attacks, depression, & eczema! 

Why aren't people talking about how amazing hypnosis is?!

Mae S.

Marketing Assistant

Just talking to Nurse Dre puts me in a Trance.

Every new hypnosis in her Mind Over Medicine Monthly Newsletter, is mesmerizing, and I get amazing results every time. This goes beyond hypnosis, and into the great unknown.

Worth Over $12,000, You Get So Much More For Less!

Listen Darlin, you can go to weight loss coaches and spend $1,000-$10,000

You can go to a weight clinic and spend $6,000- $12,000

And even when you take all those weight loss pills that make us feel so jittery and crash at 2pm, if you're lucky to lose the weight, it comes right back after you quick taking the pills.

You can spend hundreds on weight loss pills, books, trainers, spanx, and spark...

And thousands on tummy tucks and liposuction...

And even still, you are probably, eventually fall off that diet or exercise plan and after surgery, gain the weight back. Because you still haven't addressed the very first thing that makes weight loss successful, easy, and permanent- your mind.

The fact of the matter is it is so hard to make our brains change, strictly by telling them to. You have to activate it and train it to change.

I've done coaching and hypnotherapy sessions for many clients who are just at the end of their rope and are ready and willing to pay $12,000 for 1 coaching session or 1 Hypnotherapy session! And similar courses range from $5,000-$10,000

Because the alternative is not really a choice.

 It's a death sentence!

If we don't take care of our bodies, we all know we are going to keep getting sicker and feel terrible. If you're lucky, you won't get diabetes, but the heart disease and the cholesterol issues are eventually going to catch up with you. Especially in a world full of pandemics & new vaccines, and genetically modified, processed foods.

When it comes down to it, you want to be here longer than 40-50 years so you can be there for your kids or friends and family. They need you! You need You!

But if you follow this program, you will be a healthier person, with weight melting off in your sleep.

But I'm not going to charge $12,000, not even half that!

Even though 'Hack Your Weight' is worth over $12,000... you won't have to pay near that! Today, you get an early bird access discount.

Hack Your Weight is coming to you at a huge, never been done, offer!

However, the course does not begin until December 15, this year, and regular open enrollment doesn't start until September 12. During open enrollment, the course will be $2000...
But... if you come aboard today, only, and enroll early, you'll receive

over $1000 OFF!

 Under one condition. You have to leave a review when you notice changes in your mind and body. That's it! 

Pretty nice to get over $1000 just for a couple minutes of your time, right?!

You get Lifetime access to Hack Your Weight for

But wait! there's more!

If you are interested in the course or hypnotherapy session, but are not ready to enroll for the course, you can still start today for


This will get a one on one hypnotherapy session with Nurse Dre, for about 1.5-2 hours, plus a customized recording to keep and listen to daily for 21 days to get results faster.

Then, if you decide to join the course before the deadline, the $250 will be deducted from your price for the course! So you win either way!

Get Started Today!

1 on 1 Hypnotherapy Session

1.5-2hr Session + Customized Recording to Keep

  • Customized Recording to keep & Listen to for 21 days
  • Get to the Root Cause of your Weight Gain
  • Find out what is causing your body to retain weight
  • Overcome the reason your body is retaining weight
  • $250 Discount off the 'Hack Your Weight Online Course' by Nurse Dre, if you decide to take it to the next level
Online Course

Hack Your Weight - by Dre

Experience the Revolutionary Activation of the Mind-Body Connection & Learn how to Control it

  • $1003 0FF TODAY ONLY
  • Lifetime Access
  • Early Bird Special Pricing
  • Full 1 on 1 Hypnotherapy Session with Nurse Dre
  • Customized recording & new weekly Hypnosis recordings
  • Learn how to Control Your Weight with Just Your Mind
  • Learn how to Control Your Life with Just Your mind
  • Access to Private Facebook Group
  • 30 days free subscription to Mind Over Medicine
  • 30 minute private coaching call
  • Several Bonuses You Won't Want to Miss!!
regular course

One sentence summary of what they get




  • Lifetime Access
  • Immediate Start
  • Access to All Modules
Advanced course

One sentence summary of what they get




  • Lifetime Access
  • Immediate Start
  • Access to All Modules
  • X number of bonuses
  • Access to Private Facebook Group
  • 30 minute private coaching call
  3  7
  0  4
  4  1
  3  3

You missed out!

Course Pre-Enrollment Pricing Ends Soon!

Limited Spots Available. Save over $1,000 when you enroll today

100% Satisfaction Guarantee for 30-Days

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnosis is the process of getting very relaxed, and right before you fall asleep, accessing your subconscious mind to change bad habits, addictions, illness, ect. It's a way to tell your brain to do what you want it to do, but haven't been able to. 

For example, we can tell your subconscious mind to hate sugar and fried foods, and you would naturally hate sugar and fried foods.

Or we can swap an addiction to smoking for an addiction for working out, and that's usually what would really happen. Just naturally.

Hypnotherapy is a process used to give you therapy while under Hypnosis. Many times, we find that a bad habit or illness is usually a sign from your body, telling you there is something wrong. During Hypnosis, you cannot achieve your desired effects, until you overcome the cause. This is when a trained professional is needed to help you find the problem and a way to overcome it. That is when true transformation happens.

What is the Difference Between Hypnotherapy & RTT?

In normal Hypnotherapy, we focus on using power words and positive, persuasive suggestions to achieve your desired effect.

In RTT- Rapid Transformational Therapy, we go far beyond this superficial layer, dive deep into what is causing the problem at hand. Then we go even deeper, and find what is causing the problem, that is causing the issue at hand.

Then, we use revolutionary, transformational exercises and relaxation techniques to overcome those issues, so that we can move forward, toward quickly achieving your goals. This is changing lives fast and effectively.

Using these methods, we are usually able to get a faster response and achieve goals better and faster than normal Hypnotherapy.

The best part is, you don't have to keep coming back. We can usually achieve results within 1-3 sessions, as opposed to normal Hypnotherapy which can take up to 10 sessions.

Does it Really Work?

Absolutely! Check out the reviews on the page above.

How can I get a Session with Nurse Dre?

Click here to schedule a free strategy call with Nurse Dre. We can map out a plan to help you achieve your goals. 

Don't be shy! Take your dreams to the next level and give me a call! When it comes to the power of your brilliant mind, anything is possible!

You can also email Nurse Dre at thatnursedre@gmail.com

How Much Weight can I Expect to Lose?

It's different for everyone, but the average weight lost each week is about 2-6 pounds.

Most people start losing weight right away, and some people will go days without losing a pound, and suddenly lose several pounds overnight. 

Everyone is different. And everyone has different reasons for retaining weight. Once you have dealt with the reason you couldn't lose weight, the pounds start melting away.

But Please don't focus on numbers. Only weigh yourself once a week, and focus on how you feel & how beautiful you are.

Is it Hard to Lose Weight with Hypnotherapy?

Absolutely not. This is going to be the easiest thing you have ever done. You are going to be wondering why you never tried this sooner!

Once you have had your session with Nurse Dre, everything will make sens; Why you have never had much success with weight loss treatments, drugs, & programs.

You will begin to shed weight naturally, and even while you are sleeping. All it comes down to are blockages- things your body is doing to try and get your attention. Sometimes there is a death you never really got over, or a abuse you suffered as a child, or even a undetected medical issue. Once we remove these blockages, the weight loss flows like the Mississippi River.

You will also begin to crave healthy foods, and just naturally want to be healthy. No more Guilt! No more Embarrassment! No more forcing yourself to diet & being miserable while you watch your skinny collegues eat the 5th piece of birthday cake that week! It will just come naturally!

What if I have More Questions?

If you have more questions, about anything, please click here to schedule a free strategy call with Nurse Dre, and she'd be happy to answer any questions, concerns, or requests.

You can also email Nurse Dre at thatnursedre@gmail.com

What if I want to Achieve more Goals, other than just Weight Loss?

Hypnotherapy has a full array of bad habits, illnesses, addictions, ect. that it can help!

If you have any questions, concerns, or want to ask if Hypnotherapy can work for your specific problems or goals, click here to schedule a strategy call with Nurse Dre. We will set up a strategy plan for you to take your dreams to the next level and take action! Chances are, if you need it, we can fix it!

You can also email Nurse Dre at thatnursedre@gmail.com

What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnosis is the process of getting very relaxed, and right before you fall asleep, accessing your subconscious mind to change bad habits, addictions, illness, ect. It's a way to tell your brain to do what you want it to do, but haven't been able to. 

For example, we can tell your subconscious mind to hate sugar and fried foods, and you would naturally hate sugar and fried foods.

Or we can swap an addiction to smoking for an addiction for working out, and that's usually what would really happen. Just naturally.

Hypnotherapy is a process used to give you therapy while under Hypnosis. Many times, we find that a bad habit or illness is usually a sign from your body, telling you there is something wrong. During Hypnosis, you cannot achieve your desired effects, until you overcome the cause. This is when a trained professional is needed to help you find the problem and a way to overcome it. That is when true transformation happens.

What is the Difference Between Hypnotherapy & RTT?

In normal Hypnotherapy, we focus on using power words and positive, persuasive suggestions to achieve your desired effect.

In RTT- Rapid Transformational Therapy, we go far beyond this superficial layer, dive deep into what is causing the problem at hand. Then we go even deeper, and find what is causing the problem, that is causing the issue at hand.

Then, we use revolutionary, transformational exercises and relaxation techniques to overcome those issues, so that we can move forward, toward quickly achieving your goals. This is changing lives fast and effectively.

Using these methods, we are usually able to get a faster response and achieve goals better and faster than normal Hypnotherapy.

The best part is, you don't have to keep coming back. We can usually achieve results within 1-3 sessions, as opposed to normal Hypnotherapy which can take up to 10 sessions.

Does it Really Work?

Absolutely! Check out the reviews on the page above.

How can I get a Session with Nurse Dre?

Click here to schedule a free strategy call with Nurse Dre. We can map out a plan to help you achieve your goals. 

Don't be shy! Take your dreams to the next level and give me a call! When it comes to the power of your brilliant mind, anything is possible!

You can also email Nurse Dre at thatnursedre@gmail.com

How Much Weight can I Expect to Lose?

It's different for everyone, but the average weight lost each week is about 2-6 pounds.

Most people start losing weight right away, and some people will go days without losing a pound, and suddenly lose several pounds overnight. 

Everyone is different. And everyone has different reasons for retaining weight. Once you have dealt with the reason you couldn't lose weight, the pounds start melting away.

But Please don't focus on numbers. Only weigh yourself once a week, and focus on how you feel & how beautiful you are.

Is it Hard to Lose Weight with Hypnotherapy?

Absolutely not. This is going to be the easiest thing you have ever done. You are going to be wondering why you never tried this sooner!

Once you have had your session with Nurse Dre, everything will make sens; Why you have never had much success with weight loss treatments, drugs, & programs.

You will begin to shed weight naturally, and even while you are sleeping. All it comes down to are blockages- things your body is doing to try and get your attention. Sometimes there is a death you never really got over, or a abuse you suffered as a child, or even a undetected medical issue. Once we remove these blockages, the weight loss flows like the Mississippi River.

You will also begin to crave healthy foods, and just naturally want to be healthy. No more Guilt! No more Embarrassment! No more forcing yourself to diet & being miserable while you watch your skinny collegues eat the 5th piece of birthday cake that week! It will just come naturally!

What if I have More Questions?

If you have more questions, about anything, please click here to schedule a free strategy call with Nurse Dre, and she'd be happy to answer any questions, concerns, or requests.

You can also email Nurse Dre at thatnursedre@gmail.com

What if I want to Achieve more Goals, other than just Weight Loss?

Hypnotherapy has a full array of bad habits, illnesses, addictions, ect. that it can help!

If you have any questions, concerns, or want to ask if Hypnotherapy can work for your specific problems or goals, click here to schedule a strategy call with Nurse Dre. We will set up a strategy plan for you to take your dreams to the next level and take action! Chances are, if you need it, we can fix it!

You can also email Nurse Dre at thatnursedre@gmail.com

Do I have to enroll in the course to get a hypnosis session with Nurse Dre?


The Online course is designed to help you train your brain to handle stress better, relax faster, and respond to high stress situations properly, so that it is not focused on stress, instead of body functions, like weight loss. The course supports your weight loss goals, getting you faster and better results. There is so much more in the course and you'll join an entire community of people just like you.

But the most important part is the hypnotherapy session with Nurse Dre. This finds the cause of your weight retention, addresses it, and resets your brain to optimal weight loss mode. Which makes it so easy to lose weight, and keep it off.

You do not have to purchase the course and the session. The first option for purchase should be just the one on one session with Nurse Dre. Choose that option. However, if in the future, you decide to join the online course, to support faster weight loss, the price of the hypnotherapy session will be deducted from the price of the course. But in order to save over $1,000, you must enroll before the pre-enrollment deadline. Remember spots are limited.

You can also email Nurse Dre at transform@mindovermedicine.co

Hey Darlin', Before You Go...

Thank you so much, for considering my services for your weight release goals. I would be honored to be your guide and confidant as your take this amazing journey to a healthy lifestyle. Please don't hesitate to email me if you have questions, concerns, or just need a friend. Let me know if there are any other issues I could further assist you with. Hypnotherapy is an amazing choice for tons of issues, so don't be shy.

Good Luck & I'll see you soon!

yellow neon signature nurse dre

Mind Over Medicine, LLC

Copyright 2022

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Facebook Group

Our supportive online community is the best place to connect with others just like you.

Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Please use our therapies to work alongside your physician prescribed medications, therapies, counseling, etc. If you have Epilepsy or a Seizure Disorder, please consult your physician before using hypnotherapy.

Disclaimer - Results are not typical. Although we work hard to ensure it's easy to do so, the typical user of virtually all education products treats them in much the same way they treat a book. The vast majority read or skim through it once, then do not implement the program or take any recommended action. If you want results like the successful people, you see on this page you will need to follow the exact diet and supplemental strategies outlined in our system. Therefore, reports of specific fat loss, weight loss, abdominal definition, increased energy and focus or any positive results whatsoever of any kind should be understood as the exception rather than the rule, simply because of inaction, by the user. Listening to the provided recordings, daily, should help you see better results. Some names and pictures have been slightly altered to protect the privacy of the individuals within the presentation. Some pictures on this site were originally photographed & edited by various Artists. Each picture is captioned with the original Artists web page & information. Most are from Pexels.com

Copyright 2022 & Beyond - Mind Over Medicine, LLC
