We Are All Slaves...

Hear Me Out

We Are All Slaves... Hear Me Out

It is so easy to get stuck in a rut, or what society calls "a Routine". Your life is about the Journey. Not the end result. However, we are taught to work toward Goals that always seen so far away, So we work our butts off, trying to get as far as we can. And in the midst of it all, we forget why we came here, what really matters, relationships we take for granted, and our purpose. 

That;s when anxiety sneaks up, with it's mean older brother, depression, and before long, you're so burned out, that you can't even make yourself get out of bed. And for what? An extra 10 bucks on your paycheck?

The sickest part of it all, is that, the scenario, above, is for rich people. Most people on Planet Earth are living in poverty and pay out more money than they bring in every month. So for them, it's usually about sticking to the grind with three jobs, just to make their basic needs show up. These are the ones who can't unbury their heads out of the sand, to even think about family time or getting a better job, for fear of losing everything.

And we call ourselves free.

I'd like to propose a theory to you. If it makes even just a little sense to you, please let me know in the comments below. Because I, in no way, want to trigger or cause harm or offend ANYONE. But this is a triggering topic, and to fix it, we do have to talk about it.

I'd like you to consider what we just talked about, and tell me the benefits of having any one of those jobs in the first place. Yes you can argue that you have to pay the bills, and eat, but what are you accomplishing in the mean time? Are you growing meaningful relationships? Is your soul growing? Does your partner know you still love them? Really?

Have you been able to study the one main thing you are really good at or interested in? Have you been able to study religions and philosophies, as much as you'd like to? Are aliens real? How's your relationship with God?

I only ask these intimate questions to say that

You Are A Slave

And that is far from what you came here to be. Otherwise, we wouldn't be such a loving, curious, innovative species.

Now before you hit the cancel button, I just challenge you to have an open mind and step outside the box of name calling for just a moment and hear me out. Just let me show you the evidence. Then I'll tell you why and how "they" get away with it.

Picture by Monstera at Pexils-

  1. Only 6% of the American population has more than $50,000 to their name. That's checking and savings, IRA's, Stocks, Retirement Savings like 401k's, assets, and cash. Combined. 6% !!!! And this study was done in 2019! It's most likely worse since COVID-19. Oh and, America is supposed to be one of the richest countries. lol
  2. The average American makes less than $50,000 each year. Not enough to raise a family on, let alone save for college, or even a new toaster.
  3. For 1 person to go to college and actually earn a degree, it will cost an average $142,000. But only for a four year degree. Non of those 6-10 year degrees that give you a career making big bucks. So, you either have to be rich, to go to college, or you come out of school with a mortgage to pay and nowhere to live. I mean, that's what a small house costs.
  4. Then, it's hard to find a job, if you even graduated. Life happens and a lot of people can't even get their degree. But they still have those college loans pay!
  5. When you do work, you finally get a paycheck after 2 weeks of grueling work, and you're all excited, and then you get home and realize you not only have to pay for basic shit, like water, power, and natural gas; but you also have to pay rent, buy groceries, buy clothes, buy diapers, buy a car or 2. The list literally, never ends.
  6. And this is how you know you're a slave. Most of us work for big corporations. And the same people own most of the corporations. So you give your life to these corporations for a small paycheck. Then you go home and though you think you have some money, you don't! Because you are about to go spend that paycheck on dinner somewhere, most likely a chain corporation. Then when you shop, you give them more of your money, for groceries, clothes, gas, diapers, etc, etc,. So by the end of the month, you have worked your ass off, just to scrape by and give them all of your money.
  7. Then on top of all of that, you have to send nearly 1/4 of your paycheck to taxes, before you ever see it!
  8. Then, if you want to drive a car, you need a license, a hefty insurance bill, and a title with a tag that you re-up every year. Hell, in some places, you need 2 tags. If you want to buy a gun, you need a license for that. Want to conceal that gun? License! Want to be a Nurse? You need a license to do that! One in each state! Want to go fishing or hunting? License please! lol It never ends! And every one of these costs a ridiculous amount of money.
  9. It seems like every time you turn around, the government is either raising rates or raising taxes. Then spending it on things we would never allow, if we knew about it.
  10. And at the end of it all, if you were lucky enough to be one of the 6% of Americans to be able to have money left over, if you put it in a bank account for safe keeping, or really just to be able to pay for things, of course they charge you for it!

Look, I could go on and on, but i think you get my drift. The point is, you never really make any money if you are an average citizen. You work long hard hours with a dick for a boss, and you basically do it for free. And are usually charged for it.

How is that not a slave?

Darlin, the only difference is you can usually choose which job you want, in America. And they get away with it because of the fact that they "abolished slavery". If you tell a man he is a slave, he will only ever believe he is a slave. If you tell a man he is free, he will only ever believe he is free. It's harder to convince someone that they have been lied to, than to actually make them believe the lie. And that is how they get away with it. They are leading the sheep to the slaughter house.

Look, I'm not a Communist, just a person who would like to see a Country, or an entire World, come together and make a better tomorrow for our children.

And, I really just want more people to think about stuff like this so that we can start a conversation. Open your eyes to the things around you. And question everything. Things are never what they seem.

But I think the most important thing we should always remember is that we did not come to Earth to be slaves. We didn't come to go to work a boring job everyday, then go home and hate our life at home too. It's the little things with the ones you love that count. And we could all be nicer. Remember that your loved ones are human, and on their own journey, making mistakes every single day, just like you.
Live Fearlessly and Love Fiercely.

About the Author

Nurse Dre

Aundrea Wright, better known as Nurse Dre, is a Certified Hypnotherapist, a Licensed Rapid Transformation Therapy Practitioner, & a Nurse of over 10 years. She has seen the struggles of healthcare workers & is dedicated to helping them overcome Burnout & stress. Dre has 3 beautiful children & lives in the countryside of east Georgia. She loves going muddin', and taking the kids down a good Zip-Line in the treetops of the Great Smoky Mountains.

She wants you to know that there is great power and liberation in using the Fu*k word, and if your brilliant mind & body can create disease, it can surely heal it.

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